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The Health Bill is Useful for Improving the Health System


By: Mayang Dwi Andaru )*

The government made the Health Bill for the sake of the people, and its main goal is to improve the health system. With a systematic and effective system it will be beneficial, both for health workers (Nakes) and for the community. An improved system will minimize malpractice and errors during treatment.

The Health Bill will soon be passed into law. All parties were involved in the discussion, from the government to health workers. This law is guaranteed to protect everyone, both doctors, nurses, to patients.

Health workers are entitled to protection from the government and have a strong legal umbrella in the form of a law. Likewise the patients, they are calm because they are also protected by laws that are applied throughout Indonesia. Everything must be protected because both health workers and patients are Indonesian citizens.

To protect health workers and their patients, the government made the Health Bill. This bill is also very useful for improving the health system, so that all people are healthy and fit. With a more regular system, it will prevent outbreaks and dangerous diseases throughout Indonesia.

Health Policy Expert, Dr. Hermawan Saputra, MARS. CICS said the Health Bill was urgently needed to improve the national health system (SKN) in Indonesia. Included in the issue of improving public health.

Dr. Hermawan continued, Indonesia really needs a law (UU) that represents our national health system because so far the existing regulatory system has been partially fragmented and sometimes not harmonious between one policy and another.

Based on Presidential Decree No. 72 of 2012, the National Health System is health management organized by all components of the Indonesian nation in an integrated and mutually supportive manner to ensure that the highest degree of public health is achieved.

However, the implementation of SKN in Indonesia is considered to be ineffective due to overlapping regulations. Hermawan said that there are many regulations equivalent to the Health Bill which cannot represent and guarantee health services or efforts to protect the health of the Indonesian people.

Dr. Hermawan gave an example of Law Number 44 of 2009 concerning Hospitals and Law Number 36 of 2009 concerning Health where the health system itself is actually regulated at the level of a Presidential Regulation (Perpres). This is different from the national education system (Sisdiknas), which is regulated by law. So there are separate fragments in our current health system. This is just what we see from the macro situation

Using the Omnibus Law method, the Health Bill will simplify regulations in the context of harmonization of laws and regulations regarding the health system in Indonesia.

In a sense, don’t let overlapping regulations be detrimental, both for health workers and their patients. For example, for people who use BPJS health cards. They have been made difficult to get a room or buy medicines by people at the hospital. The reason is that the BPJS card owner does not pay. Even though they are already paying every month.

To overcome this problem, the Health Bill was made. With this bill, after it has been made into law, BPJS card holders can seek treatment smoothly and get their health rights. Meanwhile, those who make things difficult will be reprimanded, even punished.

Meanwhile, Deputy President KH Ma’ruf Amin reminded that the discussion of the Health Bill (RUU) involves all parties before it is approved as a law. 

In a sense, the government is not alone in discussing the bill. However, it involves many parties, including the Ministry of Health. In this discussion, of course, it will be very good because the results will be more perfect. After discussions with experts, the health system in Indonesia will be better and more profitable for patients and their health workers.

The public need not fear that the Health Bill will harm them because the government has asked for input from experts at the Ministry of Health. Getting good health services is the right of all Indonesian people. Therefore, the government is trying to make a Health Bill that makes people always healthy and not worry about medical expenses.

However, there are some people who are afraid of the Health Bill. One of the concerns that arose was when the 5% government subsidy rule was abolished. The public will be afraid that what will be removed is assistance in the form of generic drugs or subsidies to the common people that are obtained through the BPJS Kesehatan program.

However, this concern was dismissed by the spokesperson for the Ministry of Health, doctor Siti Nadia Tarmizi. According to him, a subsidy of 5% will be replaced because it is not in accordance with the conditions on the ground. Later, the amount of subsidy will be adjusted to the situation and emergency in each region.

The Health Bill is very useful for improving the health system. With good regulations, it will be beneficial for the health workers and their patients. All Indonesian citizens can seek treatment and no one is harmed because the rules are clear, and BPJS card owners can exercise their right to health properly.

)* The author is a Contributor to the Main Sadawira Institute

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