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The importance of the younger generation to fortify themselves from the threat of radicalism


By: Hanief Ramadhani) *

In 2018, Indonesia was shocked by a series of bombings in 3 churches and police stations in Surabaya on May 13-14, 2018. Ironically the action was carried out by a family including sacrificing teenagers and young children.

This is certainly a new phenomenon in the history of terrorist acts in Indonesia. The incident is clearly a PR for the security forces so that similar incidents do not occur again in the future.

From the information circulating, the figure of the suicide bomber named Dita Supriyanto who sacrificed his entire family, apparently since he was a teenager, has been involved in recitation of extreme groups who consider the government to be utter and that outside the group are infidels. He also tried to recruit the juniors who were looking for their identities to enter their extreme groups.

The entry of the reform era is a sign of the beginning of freedom in Indonesia, where transnational Islamic groups are increasingly making use of the situation to further echo their teachings. Where they target schools or colleges in an effort to attract sympathizers from young people.

A survey conducted by PPIM UIN Syarif Hidayatullah at the end of 2017 showed the potential for radicalism among generation z, namely those born in the mid-90s to mid-2000s. The findings are 37.71 percent view that jihad is a war, especially a war against non-Muslims. Furthermore 23.35 percent agreed that the suicide bombing was an Islamic jihad. Then no less terrible 34.03 percent agree if there are Muslims who apostatize then they must be killed. Other findings 33.04 percent think intolerant acts towards minority groups are not a problem. The Z generation got a lot of Islamic material, one of them from the Internet and social media.

Radical groups take the internet and social media seriously because they reach a wide range of citizens. Of the hundreds of thousands or millions who watched or read the information uploaded, a certain percentage was indoctrinated. From there, just build, build networks and care for them to strengthen the position and one day be used for the interests of the group.

In the terrorist acts in Surabaya, it was proven that there were a number of accounts that did not criticize or feel concerned about the incident, but developed a conspiracy theory that the action was deliberately carried out by certain parties as a diversion of other hidden issues or interests.

Teenagers and young people who are now indoctrinated by radical teachings, like the seeds that are just starting to grow, now they do not show signs of danger to society, but the radicalism that continues to be fostered will become very dangerous in the next 20-30 years when they are adults, has certain power, resources or access.

Therefore, an understanding of religious tolerance in the younger generation must be formed as early as possible to create a character that is in accordance with Pancasila. With the motto Unity in Diversity, which means different but still one.

The Young Generation in Indonesia should be more familiar with Pancasila. This is so that the young generation, especially millennials, can be able to withstand the exposure of global ideology, especially radicalism.

Education about Pancasila ideology for the younger generation will also be more striking if it is packaged in a millennial style, of course without reducing its substance. So that young people can find their own formulas for understanding, absorbing and practicing Pancasila in their daily lives.

By understanding Pancasila, young people will be able to sort out what is good for themselves and those around them, the incessant distribution of the doctrine of radicalism in social media must be anticipated so as not to spread among young people.

Young people must also understand that Indonesia is a multi-religious country, all religions may enter, inviting religion should not force themselves, let alone harm and disturb others. The spread of Radical Islamic ideology through the paths of campuses in universities throughout Indonesia who aspire to establish an Islamic State of Indonesia is certainly very contrary to the principle of Pancasila ideology

Therefore, young people need to re-cultivate a love for the ideology of Pancasila, in order to stem the flow of radicalism. Because Pancasila has a very clear role and function in regulating the behavior of human life in the state and religion.

) * The author is a contributor of Reader Institute

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