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The Public Fully Supports the Development of New Autonomous Region in Papua


By : Noldy Brachman )*

Efforts to improve the welfare of the people in Papua are one of the things that is of concern to the government. Various methods have been carried out, such as giving special autonomy scholarships to regional expansion or the development of a New Autonomous Region (DOB). The development of the new autonomous regions is of course welcomed by indigenous Papuans because this is considered capable of increasing the welfare of native Papuans.

Currently, Papua has four new autonomous regions, including the provinces of Central Papua, Highlands Papua, South Papua and Southwest Papua. The government considers that Papua does need a new province to facilitate public services. The addition of the new autonomous regions is a request from the people of Papua which will be granted by the government in 2022.

            One of the Papuan community leaders, Saleh Sangadji stated that, if there were additional provinces, it would open up opportunities for scholars in South Papua to work in government offices. So they are no longer fighting for a place to work in other areas. This means that native Papuans have the opportunity to show their best potential and devote themselves to showing dedication to the Indonesian Nation.

            Drs. Yulius Yunus Komisba stated that the division of new autonomous regions in Papua is a necessity. Moreover, the community has been asking for regional expansion since 2004. The realization of this division is of course a form of government alignment to develop Indonesia as a whole.

            The community has been waiting for this expansion because it will stimulate infrastructure development, such as the construction of highways which is of course needed by the community to facilitate mobility. The construction of this road will certainly facilitate access for land vehicles so that the transportation of goods and people will be faster and cheaper when compared to air transportation.           

            Member of the Republic of Indonesia DPR from the Papua Electoral District, Mesakh Mirin revealed that the addition of the new autonomous regions in Papua will have an impact on opening access to development which will have an impact on the welfare of the Papuan people. So that the reach and access to transportation from the Regency to the Province will be easier.

            According to him, the existence of a new autonomous region in Papua, of course, will provide hope for equitable development in Papua. The policy on the division of Papua is the mandate and implementation of Law Number 2 of 2021 concerning Special Autonomy (Otsus) for Papua, to be precise Article 76. Thus, the main foundations of the three division bills must guarantee and provide space for OAP. The regulations made are expected to become a concrete legal umbrella, especially in the implementation of governance at the initial stage and in the following periods in the newly created area.

            Previously, the Acting Governor of West Papua, Paulus Waterpauw, had sent a West Papuan People’s Declaration document containing support for the special autonomy policy and the establishment of a new autonomous region in Papua to President Joko Widodo in Jakarta. Waterpauw said that the declaration of support for special autonomy and new autonomous regions was an agreement by the regents, mayors, Forkopimda, religious leaders, traditional leaders, youth leaders, women leaders and the people of West Papua.

            This support from various backgrounds is the commitment and unanimity of the people in West Papua who want division in the form of a new autonomous region. This declaration is of course concrete support from the community for the implementation of the new autonomous region. Where the declaration was signed by the Regent of Maybrat, Teluk Wondama, Manokwari, Kaimana, Deputy Regent of South Sorong, and PJ Regent of Tambrauw. Then this declaration was also signed by the Chair of the MRP, Intellectual Figures, Youth Leaders, Women’s Leaders, to Religious leaders.

On a different occasion, Indonesian Vice President (Wapres) Ma’ruf Amin hoped that the formation of four new autonomous regions (DOB) in Papua Province could be a way of change or a  game changer  for solving problems in Papua, both welfare and security issues.

            Ma’ruf also hopes that the formation of a new province in Papua will make services to the people of Papua more massive. This is because so far services in the vast region of Papua have only been concentrated in the provinces of Papua and one in West Papua. The realization of new autonomous regions in Papua can be the best effort in presenting accelerated development and equity as rights that must and must be received by Papuans who are part of the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia.            

With the existence of a new autonomous region, of course this will provide new opportunities for the Son of the Region to further develop their potential. Moreover, this division has the objective of dividing the tasks of Regional Government to become more specific and reach a more detailed focus on regions and regional communities.

            Expansion itself will certainly have a positive impact because welfare management and development plans in Papua will go well. In addition, the division will also increase security stability in Papua, especially the threat of terror from KST.

            The development of the Papua New Guinea is an effort to increase the welfare of the people living in Papua, various elements of society have expressed their support for the government to continue the development of the new autonomous region in Papua, so that efforts to distribute and increase the welfare of the people in Papua can continue.

)* The author is a Papuan student living in Bali

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