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The success of the AMN Program requires full


 By: Januar Dominicus )*

The Nusantara Student Dormitory (AMN) has become one of the government’s flagship strategic programs through the initiation of the State Intelligence Agency (BIN) in order to produce a superior generation with high competitiveness. Therefore, full community support is needed so that the program can run successfully as expected.

Of course, it is not without reason why the public continues to provide their full support for the existence of AMN’s superior strategic programs. The reason is, there is a place to educate the nation’s future young generation so that they can prepare to become future leaders of the country with high competitive qualities and good national insight.

Therefore, because there are many benefits from the existence of AMN for the community, especially young people, not only as a physical building as a place to live, but also a place to forge and educate their Pancasila character, support continues to flow so that the government through the initiation of BIN continues to continue the procurement of this superior strategic program.

In this building, there are many very complete, adequate and modern facilities to support college students living together even though they have different backgrounds.

Appreciation and support continues to come, especially from the students themselves who consider that this government’s flagship strategic program is a symbol of unifying the nation’s young generation.

Through AMN, the young generation is able to communicate with one another and become an arena for unifying them even though they come from different backgrounds. In this way, young people can learn from each other while growing and developing together.

There is enormous support and hope from the community that the government, through the institution led by Police General (Ret.) Prof. Dr. Budi Gunawan was able to continue AMN’s existence.

The beginning of the founding of AMN began with a positive response with concrete steps from President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) after listening to the aspirations of 50 Papuan figures at a meeting at the State Palace. At that time, the figures from the region nicknamed Bumi Cenderawasih conveyed their aspirations to the Head of State by fully supporting the idea and realization of the Nusantara Student Dormitory, and even really wanted the sustainability of this superior strategic program because it acts as a candradimuka crater for the entire young generation of the nation. multicultural in nature like Indonesia.

The Acting Regent of Minahasa, Jemmy Stani Kumendong, expressed his full support for the development of AMN because it can provide many benefits, especially for students to continue pursuing higher education with good quality.

A quality higher education is characterized by being able to continue to increase the competitiveness of the nation’s children, such as human resources (HR), and then also guaranteeing quality.

Chancellor of Telkom University, Prof. Adiwijaya explained that the demographic bonus clearly plays a very important role in achieving Indonesia’s big vision, namely becoming a developed country by 2045.

In that year, it is estimated that as many as 70 percent of the human population in the country will be of productive age, which will significantly increase economic growth and development if they receive good management.

To answer all the challenges regarding the quality of education and productivity, the government, through the initiation of BIN, then launched a superior strategic program, namely AMN, so that Indonesia was able to get maximum benefits from advantages in the form of demographic nonus.

Meanwhile, Special Staff (Stafsus) of the Supervisory Board of the Pancasila Ideology Development Agency (BPIP), Father Benny Susetyo, also considered that the construction of this building was ideal in Indonesia.

The reason is that the AMN building itself does not only contain students from certain groups from certain areas, in fact there are all university students from different backgrounds.

All these young people gathered and lived under the same roof in AMN to implement the principle of Bhinneka Tunggal Ika and learn from each other to share rhetoric, build arguments and organize and express public opinion. So of course the building is not just a place to rest, but carries out various activities to further enrich the younger generation.

Moreover, through this building, the government really wants to build a diverse country like Indonesia by continuing to strengthen collaboration between parties through education characterized by inclusivity, which in fact is what this nation really needs to improve the quality of its young human resources (HR). character.

Various elements of society continue to provide their full support and also very high appreciation for the sustainability of the government’s flagship strategic program, namely AMN, because there are many benefits that can be received by the nation’s young people, including for the country itself, in order to make the vision of a Golden Indonesia 2045 a success.

*) The author is a Digital Literacy contributor

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