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Together, we will maintain a safe and cool democratic climate ahead of the 2024 regional elections


By : Clara Diah Wulandari )*

All cross-sector elements together must be able to maintain a democratic climate that can run safely, peacefully and coolly, especially ahead of the 2024 Simultaneous Regional Head Elections (Pilkada). With the stability of the democratic climate, it is hoped that the implementation of the Pilkada can run safely and smoothly according to expectations.

All elements of society need to maintain political stability ahead of the regional elections. Of course, by ensuring that the democratic climate continues to run safely, peacefully and coolly ahead of the 2024 regional elections, the implementation of regional level democratic parties will be able to produce regional leaders who can advance and further develop their communities.

For this reason, ahead of the implementation of the 2024 Simultaneous Regional Elections, all elements of society across sectors must work together to continue to ensure that the democratic climate in Indonesia continues to run safely, peacefully and coolly.

This is a shared task, including and especially for the security forces. Regarding this matter, the Head of the East Java Regional Police (Kapolda Jatim) Inspector General of Police (Irjen Pol) Imam Sugianto said that all his staff are very highly motivated to be able to do much better in maintaining conduciveness, especially ahead of the momentum of the 2024 Simultaneous Regional Elections. .

There is no need to doubt the professionalism of all levels of security forces, especially since they were able to fully oversee the implementation of the democratic party in the Presidential General Election (Pemilu Pilpres) in February 2024.

Therefore, armed with this experience of success, of course security in the implementation of the 2024 regional elections this time will definitely run optimally and optimally in order to maintain community conduciveness.

The successful holding of the General Elections in February 2024 is clear evidence of the strong commitment of the security forces to continue to strive to create a democratic climate that is peaceful, safe, serene and cool in order to achieve the nation’s aspirations towards an Advanced Indonesia and a Golden Indonesia 2045.

It is also not impossible that maintaining a conducive democratic climate in the 2024 regional elections will certainly have the same impact, especially for the good of the local area so that all regions in Indonesia are able to experience progress and equitable development.

Meanwhile, the Acting Governor of Jakarta, Heru Budi Hartono, also reminded the entire community to always maintain a good democratic climate by creating coolness among citizens and continuing to strive to create mutual conduciveness.

Regional level democratic celebrations should be able to be responded to and celebrated with joy, joy together and the most important thing is that society continues to be in a peaceful and conducive condition.

Because in this way, security will be maintained in all regions in Indonesia so that various government programs can run optimally and lead to progress in the development of their respective regions.

Not only for security forces and civil society, but maintaining a peaceful, safe and secure democratic climate together is also part of the important duties of the State Civil Apparatus (ASN) by continuing to maintain their neutrality and professionalism.

If all ASN are able to carry out all their roles and functions appropriately, namely in accordance with the statutory rules and laws in force in Indonesia, then it is not impossible that the democratic climate will continue to be maintained.

ASNs only have to focus on their main tasks and functions, namely being servants to the community and being able to provide whatever the community needs so that the government runs well, including ensuring that the implementation of the Regional Election does not cause obstacles.

Then in the future, when the regional elections have ended and whoever the winner or regional leader has been elected and legally installed, then the community should be able to accept it with full openness.

Because the openness of the whole community when they find out who has been elected and appointed as a future leader or regional head, is the essence of a good democratic climate in Indonesia.

No less important is how to maintain inter-religious harmony in Indonesia so that it continues in a conducive manner even though the regional elections are taking place.

The future regional level democratic party is part of the history of the Republic of Indonesia (RI), so of course the whole community must welcome it with joy and try to make it a success.

All Indonesian people, including those from different backgrounds and religions, should be able to continue to maintain their respective conduciveness so that unity and unity is maintained.

In fact, the 2024 Simultaneous Regional Elections should be the best momentum to continue to promote unity and oneness with each other even amidst differences in backgrounds.

Chairman of FKUB Bandung, Ahmad Suherman said that even though we are currently in a political year, don’t let this damage the brotherhood between religious communities in Indonesia.

Therefore, togetherness is very important in maintaining the democratic climate so that it continues peacefully, safely and securely, especially in the momentum of the 2024 Simultaneous Regional Elections. With this situation, it is hoped that the implementation of the Regional Elections can run smoothly and the sustainability of national development in the regions can be continued. .

)* The author is a contributor to Ruang Baca Nusantara

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