United Against Drugs for a Better Indonesia
By : Alexander Joshua Galen )*
Indonesia faces a major challenge in its fight against drugs. This war is not only the task of the government or law enforcement, but a shared task of all elements of society. Drugs have ruined the lives of many people, threatened the future of the younger generation, and disrupted social stability. Efforts to eradicate drugs must involve cross-sector collaboration, with commitment from local governments, law enforcement, the community, and the private sector.
All parties must unite, join hands, for a better Indonesia free from the threat of drugs. In various regions, concrete steps have been taken to combat drugs. Through strong cooperation, the hope for a brighter future for Indonesia can be realized.
In South Bangka Regency, the National Narcotics Agency (BNN) has made various efforts to prevent and eradicate drugs. The Head of the BNN of South Bangka Regency, Hendra Amoer, emphasized the importance of synergy between village governments and local communities in carrying out prevention, rehabilitation, and eradication of narcotics. The coastal area in South Bangka is a strategic trade route in Southeast Asia, which is vulnerable to drug smuggling.
Therefore, strict supervision of the rat lines is very important to break the chain of drug distribution, the majority of which originate from outside Bangka Island. In fact, the village head’s commitment to undergo a urine test shows that local leaders must be role models in fighting drugs.
In addition, further steps are taken by directly involving the community. The BNN of South Bangka Regency is trying to create a drug-free environment by collaborating with the local government and local security forces. This commitment also involves the community, which is empowered to be actively involved in monitoring and preventing drug trafficking. All parties must work together to create real change that will have a long-term impact on society.
On the other hand, drug eradication efforts are also being carried out in Donggala Regency, Central Sulawesi. The Head of the Donggala Regency BNN, Khrisna Anggara, believes that the war on drugs in this area must be carried out adaptively and sustainably. A holistic approach is needed so that the drug problem can be addressed more effectively. One of the leading programs of the Donggala BNNK is the Clean Drug Village (Bersinar), which involves the community in creating resistance to drugs.
Loli Dondo and Towale villages are real examples of villages that have succeeded in building social resilience against drug abuse. In addition, the formation of peer groups of teenagers whose job is to remind each other and help overcome drug problems is also being strengthened. This aims to create sustainable and comprehensive changes in society.
However, the drug problem in Donggala Regency also shows worrying facts. Data shows that drug abuse among the younger generation, especially those aged 15 to 24, continues to increase. During 2024, BNNK Donggala has conducted dozens of urine tests, and the results are quite surprising.
A total of 23 people tested positive for using methamphetamine. Even so, the steps taken by BNNK Donggala still show optimism. Urine tests and socialization to the community, especially the younger generation, are one of the important foundations to prevent the next generation of the nation from falling deeper into the world of drugs.
Similar steps were also taken in Central Java. The Director of Drug Investigation of the Central Java Police, Senior Commissioner Muhammad Anwar Nasir, said that 2024 was the best year in the history of drug eradication in the province. The Central Java Police managed to uncover tens of kilograms of crystal methamphetamine and thousands of ecstasy pills.
This success is inseparable from the hard work of security forces in breaking up drug networks operating in the area. KombesPol Muhammad Anwar Nasir emphasized the importance of cooperation between law enforcement officers and the community in combating drugs. With a strong commitment and good synergy, the threat of drugs can be significantly suppressed.
However, despite the progress that has been made, the war on drugs is not over. As the speakers said, eradicating drugs requires the involvement of all parties. The government and law enforcement have important roles, but the community must also act as the first line of defense.
Every individual needs to have awareness and commitment to protect themselves and their families from the bad influence of drugs. Efforts to eradicate drugs must be carried out comprehensively, including prevention, eradication, and rehabilitation for those who have already become users.
The role of society is vital in the war against drugs. Starting from families, schools, to the general public, all must have a clear role in preventing drug abuse. The family as the smallest unit in society has the task of supervising and providing good education to their children.
Schools also play an important role in providing anti-drug education to students, while the community must be active in eradicating the spread of drugs in their environment. The government and law enforcement officers also cannot work alone. They need support and cooperation from all elements of society to create a safe and drug-free environment.
It’s time to move together. We must commit to fighting drugs in every way we can. Together, we will create a better, healthier, and drug-free Indonesia. Let’s join hands, for a brighter future, for all of us and the next generation of the nation.
)* The author is a contributor to Suara Khatulistiwa