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Use of Sirekap Application as a Form of Transparency in the Implementation of Regional Elections


By: Rahman Nurgraha )*

The implementation of the 2024 simultaneous regional head elections (Pilkada) is an important moment in democracy. This process not only involves voters and candidates, but also requires high transparency so that the public believes in the results. One of the efforts made to realize this transparency is by using the Sirekap application.
The Sirekap application is a system developed to assist the process of digital vote recapitulation in the Pilkada. This application is designed to increase the accuracy and efficiency in collecting and processing voter data, so that the recapitulation process becomes more transparent and accountable.
One of the advantages of the Sirekap application is its ability to accelerate the vote recapitulation process. With a digital system, vote data can be directly uploaded and counted, reducing the time required compared to manual methods that are prone to errors.
A transparent system like Sirekap helps reduce the potential for fraud in elections. With data that can be accessed by the public, the public can monitor the recapitulation process, so that any irregularities can be immediately identified.
This application is designed to be easily accessible to all parties, including the public. With a dashboard that shows the recapitulation results in real time, the public can follow the progress of the vote more transparently.
Through Sirekap, the public is encouraged to participate more actively in the election process. They can monitor the results of the voting at the regional level, thus giving them a sense of ownership of the election results.
The General Election Commission (KPU) and Commission II of the DPR have agreed to use Sirekap for the 2024 simultaneous regional elections. The public will be able to monitor the results of the regional election vote recapitulation through the website provided by the KPU.
Head of the KPU Data and Information Division, Betty Epsilon Idroos, explained that this Sirekap public info will complement the two types of Sirekap that already exist, namely Sirekap Mobile and Sirekap Web. Previously, these two Sirekap could only be accessed by voting organizers. In this regional election, there will be three types of Sirekap used.
Through Sirekap public info, the public can access a system that displays the C.HSIL and D.HSIL documents. This system will also collect tabulations of the two documents. Each C.HSIL document will be equipped with a special Optical Marking Recognition (OMR) marker located in the column and table for the vote count results.
With this system, the public can play an active role in monitoring the voting process in the 2024 Pilkada. The preparation process for the Sirekap system has entered the final stage, and the KPU has conducted a trial of using Sirekap for the upcoming Pilkada. The development of Sirekap was carried out in collaboration with the Bandung Institute of Technology.
The Sirekap development process has reached 99 percent and is currently in the improvement stage to ensure the readiness of the application during voting in the 2024 Pilkada.
The Association for Elections and Democracy (Perludem) asked the KPU RI to explain the improvements that have been made to Sirekap. Perludem researcher, Haykal, stated that the explanation was important because a number of problems occurred when using Sirekap in the 2024 Presidential Election (Pilpres) and Legislative Election (Pileg).
Haykal emphasized that problems such as differences in the uploaded vote acquisition data with the results of the C-Result form photos must be avoided in the 2024 Pilkada. He added that the public did not want to experience difficulties and wait a long time to open the results from various Polling Stations (TPS) in Sirekap.
Perludem also highlighted the importance of openness in the management of Sirekap. The KPU is expected to be transparent regarding the use and operation of this system. Haykal emphasized that the KPU must be open if there are problems in the use of Sirekap in the future, avoiding actions to close access as happened in the 2024 Election.
It is important for the KPU to ensure that there is a commitment to be transparent and open to the public. Closing access to Sirekap, when problems occur, will actually cause suspicion and chaos in the community. Therefore, Haykal emphasized the need for early anticipation regarding potential problems that may arise in the use of Sirekap in the 2024 Pilkada.
Previously, KPU Commissioner, Idham Holik ensured that Sirekap would be used in the Pilkada, even though it had experienced problems in the 2024 Presidential and Legislative Elections. In a meeting with Commission II of the DPR, KPU, Election Supervisory Body (Bawaslu), and Ministry of Home Affairs (Kemendagri), Idham stated that the KPU and developers had made significant improvements to the Sirekap computing system.
The existence of this application is expected to rebuild public trust in the election system. With greater transparency, citizens will be more confident that their votes are valued and counted correctly.
The system also provides room for evaluation. After the election, user feedback can be used to improve the application to make it more effective in the future.
The transparency offered by Sirekap also helps maintain the integrity of the election. With a clear and accountable process, the public can feel safe and comfortable in voicing their right to vote.
Overall, the Sirekap application is a step forward in the implementation of transparent and accountable regional elections. With this technology, it is hoped that public participation in democracy will increase, and trust in election results will be stronger. Through the transparency produced, we can create a better and fairer election system for all.
*The author is a Jakarta student living in Bogor

Bili woven craft products, made from bemban tree trunks, have become an integral part of Acehnese life. Now, Amanah is trying to develop these products to be more valuable with innovative designs that are relevant to current market needs.

To expand the scope of products and markets, Amanah collaborates with product designer from Rumpun Gagas Unggul, Iman Setiobudy, who has experience in developing craft products based on natural materials. Iman and his team are committed to helping craftsmen develop derivative products from bili weaving without eliminating its traditional value.

?The Bili plant has many advantages including the flexibility of its skin which is similar to rattan and its abundant availability in the Aceh region. The uniqueness of this natural material is a special attraction for a market that is increasingly concerned with environmentally friendly products,? said Iman Setiobudy.

Iman Setiobudy said that this bili craft product has great potential to develop in the global market, especially because of the increasing demand for environmentally friendly products. Therefore, the training provided by Amanah not only focuses on improving production skills, but also on effective marketing strategies so that these products can be accepted by a wider market.

“This is an opportunity to utilize the existing potential and introduce Aceh’s craft products to a larger market,” he added.

Iman Setiobudy also expressed his appreciation for the enthusiasm of the AMANAH team in supporting the development of MSMEs in Aceh because it is very important in encouraging local economic growth and empowering craftsmen to be more independent.

?With ongoing support, craftsmen are not only able to improve their skills, but also able to compete in a wider market,? he said.

The MSME mentoring program carried out by Amanah is in line with the government’s grand vision, especially in terms of empowering the people’s economy. President Joko Widodo has long encouraged people-based economic growth by prioritizing the development of the MSME sector as a driving force for the national economy. The support provided by Amanah to local craftsmen is a real form of effort to realize this vision.

“With the development of craft UMKM such as bili weaving, it is hoped that the local economy of Aceh can grow more rapidly and make a greater contribution to overall economic development,” he concluded.

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