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WWF 2024, Momentum for Indonesia to Embrace Various Countries to Handle the World Water Crisis


Bali – Having various experiences in the water management sector, Indonesia’s participation in the 10th World Water Forum (WWF) in Bali is a very important opportunity to invite various countries to address water problems globally.

President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) explained the achievements of the Indonesian Government in building and strengthening domestic water infrastructure to the heads of state present at the 10th WWF meeting in Nusa Dua, Bali.

“In the last ten years, Indonesia has strengthened its water infrastructure by building 42 dams; 1.18 million hectares of irrigation network; “2,156 kilometers of flood control and coastal protection as well as rehabilitating 4.3 million hectares of irrigation networks,” said President Jokowi.






President Jokowi also said that the role of water is very central to human life. The President also cited World Bank research which estimates that water shortages could slow economic growth by up to 6 percent by 2050.

“Water scarcity can also trigger war and can be a source of disaster. “Too much water and too little water can both be a problem for the world,” said President Jokowi.

Therefore, President Jokowi said that the 10th World Water Forum or World Water Forum was very strategic in revitalizing real action and joint commitment in realizing integrated water resources management.

Meanwhile, the founder of Tesla and SpaceX, Elon Musk, said that he was optimistic that the world’s water crisis could be resolved well. This is because water resources on earth are very abundant.

“Our earth is 70% water and only 30% land. “So this means the potential for solving water problems is very good because there is so much water,” said Elon Musk.

Then, to overcome the water crisis, according to Elon Musk, the solution will be different for each country depending on the region. He is optimistic that the world is currently heading towards a bright future in the field of water and sustainable energy.

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