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Elected President Prabowo Ready to Succeed in Key Programs


JAKARTA, – President-elect Prabowo Subianto and Vice President-elect Gibran Rakabuming Raka will soon implement priority programs in the first year of their government budget in 2025, following their inauguration on October 20, 2024.

A number of priority programs, including the establishment of outstanding high schools, free nutritious meals, and the construction of 10 major cities in various regions, will be implemented next year.

The Deputy for Development Funding at the Ministry of National Development Planning/Bappenas, Scenaider Clasein Hasudungan Siahaan, stated that specifically for the development of exemplary schools, they will be built in four regions.

Bappenas announced that the budget prepared amounts to IDR 2 trillion and has been submitted to the Ministry of Public Works and Housing. (PUPR).

“So, the school is a prestigious one, not just an ordinary school.” “This is indeed a high school level because it is important for advancing to higher education,” said Scenaider when met in the area of the DPD RI building in Jakarta some time ago.

The outstanding high school will be built in four locations: the Capital City of Nusantara (IKN), East Nusa Tenggara (NTT), North Sulawesi, and North Maluku. Not only is Prabowo establishing schools, but he also plans to renovate 90,000 classrooms across Indonesia.

Furthermore, Scenaider stated that specifically for the free nutritious meal program or MBG, the budget prepared for 2025 amounting to IDR 71 trillion will not utilize debt or financing from foreign institutions abroad. This is because financing for programs that rely on debt is usually intended for those capable of generating direct revenue in the state budget.

One of the priority programs of Prabowo-Gibran is to Build Indonesia from the Villages Based on Creative Economy.

The Professor of Economics at UGM, Prof. Gunawan Sumodiningrat, stated that strengthening the empowerment of villages, cooperatives, and Pancasila institutions aligns with the vision of an Advanced Indonesia and the Asta Cita mission of the Prabowo-Gibran administration. Everything is based on the 1945 Constitution and Pancasila as the identity of the nation.

Prof. Gunawan also mentioned that the next government is important to continue focusing on rural development, as villages are the smallest decision-making units by developing their Human Resources, in line with the priorities of the elected president’s program.

“Awaken the spirit, awaken the body for Greater Indonesia, that is like our song Indonesia Raya, that is what we must realize.” The most important thing is the implementation, how to ensure that this policy concept can be realized, he said.

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