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Government Continues to Implement Better Bureaucratic Reform Through Job Creation Law


By: Gita Oktaviani )*

The Government of the Republic of Indonesia (RI) continues to strive for the realization of much better bureaucratic reform in the country. This can be achieved optimally and maximally through the enactment of the Job Creation Law (UU).

With the existence of the Job Creation Law, it is not impossible that it will encourage the realization of much better bureaucratic reform in Indonesia, because it makes managing business permits, including for Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs), much easier than before.
Now, if people want to open their businesses and become MSMEs, all the management of their business permits does not need to be too complicated anymore because the Job Creation Law is able to cut various bureaucracies that previously occurred and slowed down the issuance of business permits for the community.

Director of Spatial Utilization Synchronization of the Ministry of Agrarian Affairs and Spatial Planning (ATR) or the National Land Agency (BPN), Rahma Julianti said that with the ratification of the Job Creation Law, it will make it easier for business actors, including MSMEs, to obtain business permits.
The Indonesian government continues to strive to truly be able to provide policies that make it easier for the community so that the bureaucratic reform process can run much better.
In the same vein, the Secretary of the Job Creation Law Task Force, Arif Budimanta also said that the existence of a set of rules in the policy is one of the structural reform efforts carried out by the Indonesian government.

The existence of the Job Creation Law is an instrument from the Indonesian government to carry out deregulation and debureaucratization in Indonesia so that all kinds of business permit processing processes are no longer complicated as before.
Thanks to the existence of this set of policies, it has created a licensing process that is increasingly easy, provides certainty and encourages empowerment for business actors, especially MSMEs.
The structural transformation process continues to occur sustainably in Indonesia thanks to the Job Creation Law with tactical planning. Because the Indonesian government views that it is very important and necessary to have an agile bureaucratic process or structure in facing various challenges, including in the midst of a dynamic and uncertain global economy like today.

The spirit of ease of business licensing for all people in Indonesia is also in accordance with the tagline of the Ministry of PANRB, namely ‘Moving for Impactful Bureaucratic Reform’ which is an elaboration of the direct direction of the President of the Republic of Indonesia Joko Widodo (Jokowi).
Impactful bureaucratic reform itself, if in the context of the Job Creation Law, means that every policy issued by the government will clearly have an impact on the level of positive benefits in the community directly.

Another positive impact of bureaucratic reform through the Job Creation Law, apart from the ease of managing business permits for MSMEs, is that there are more and more open job creation opportunities so that the absorption of new workers in Indonesia will be maximized.
Although the government has provided all the conveniences, it does not mean that there is no supervision or monitoring. In fact, through the role of the Job Creation Law Task Force, the monitoring and evaluation process for the policy occurs.

The task of the Job Creation Law Task Force is to carry out the canalization of the entire licensing process which will later be accompanied by mitigation efforts and risk management related to various things such as social issues, employment, work safety, Human Rights (HAM) or environmental risks.
Because there are so many positive impacts that the community can feel directly with the Job Creation Law, experts and academics have given their full support to the efforts of the Indonesian Government to carry out bureaucratic reform.

Professor of Gadjah Mada University (UGM), Prof. Gunawan Sumodiningrat explained the various advantages of the Job Creation Law compared to the previous Manpower Law.
The Job Creation Law is able to further increase the competitiveness of the national economy, then provide flexibility to workers and entrepreneurs. In addition, there is also ease of business processes and empowerment for villages and regions.

Indonesia is currently experiencing an extraordinary structural transformation. The spirit of the Job Creation Law increasingly allows the market to work much more optimally than before.

The set of rules also provides a kind of ‘red carpet’ for investment and development in the country because it has a legal disruption value, then carries a mission or is oriented towards ease of doing business, realizing bureaucratic reform in government administration and pro-development. The government continues to make bureaucratic reform efforts to make it even better. One of the efforts and strategies is through the ratification of the Job Creation Law which realizes convenience in various aspects, both for entrepreneurs, workers and investors.

)* The author is a contributor to the Jendela Baca Institute

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