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Unique, Solo Bawaslu campaigns Peaceful Elections with Becak Parade


By: Reza Setiawan

In order to create a 2019 election that is peaceful, honest and dignified, the Election Supervisory Body (Bawaslu) of Surakarta City, held a rickshaw parade in CFD, Solo City.

The Election Supervisory Board (Bawaslu) of Solo City invites the people of Solo City to always maintain the conducivity of the City of Solo ahead of the 2019 Election which is getting closer. A parade of 15 rickshaws with passengers wearing masks face the two pairs of presidential election candidates traveling on Jl. Slamet Riyadi during car free day.

The Chairman of the Solo City Election Supervisory Body, Budi Wahyono, when met by Solopos.com at the location of the activity, said the selection of becak as a means of socialization was also felt to have a major influence in creating a conducive situation in Solo City.

He said, the elections belonged to the community and all Indonesian citizens so that order was created depending on the people who run it. Then we socialize to all residents of Solo City to guard the 2019 Election.

The masks of the two candidates sit together in a pedicab as a symbol to the community that differences in choice are natural but the spirit of harmony and brotherhood must be maintained.

He added that the march, which started from the Gendengan Intersection to Simpang Empat Ngrasopuro, he asked the public not to believe easily and to be provoked by news of doubtful sources. In addition, he asked the public not to spread hoax news. In the event, the 2019 General Election was also declared free from things that divided the nation such as money politics, hate speech, and hoax news that could divide the nation.

One of the drivers of the becak driver in the city of Solo, Darmono, even though some pedicab drivers have declared support to one of the candidate pairs but the matter of choice remains the right of each individual. He appreciated what Bawaslu did as an effort to keep the situation in Solo City conducive.

Let us as a society to stop spreading false news, utterances of hatred create a peaceful democratic party for the people. So that on April 17, 2019 it will be free from negative things in the implementation of elections such as incitement to hatred, hoaxes and money politics so that the 2019 Election will run conducively.

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