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Mosques Are Not A Place for Campaigns


THE AMAZING campaign activities by using religious activities in mosques were a concern of a number of ulama, including the Leader of the As Sa’ada Depok Islamic Boarding School Mohammad Abdul Mujib.

Mujib is also the Deputy of the Rois Syuriah of the Nahdlatul Ulama (NU) Branch of Depok and the Fatwa Commission of the Indonesian Ulema Council (MUI) Depok.

According to him, the mosque should not be used as a place to campaign or side with a political group.

“Let the mosque be used to accommodate all the religious schools. If the mosque is a place of worship, then it is brought to practical politics, it will affect the groups. However, for honesty and nationality values, practical politics should not be brought into the mosque, “he said.

Especially now with the rampant utterances of hatred coming into the mosque. The person who originally came to the mosque in search of calm, now became nervous and angry because of the provocation that entered the mosque.

“But if the mosque is used to convey the values ​​of honesty and nationality, that’s fine. We must restore the function of the mosque as a function of places of worship, da’wah, and to get closer to Allah SWT, “he said.

Although there were fears of friction in the presidential election, Mujib was generally optimistic that this election would be safe and peaceful.

In Palu, interfaith leaders, religious leadership assemblies, and leaders of religious organizations who are members of the Central Sulawesi Religious Harmony Forum (FKUB) reject houses of worship as campaign sites by participants in the 2019 Election.

 “Houses of worship of all religions, including mosques and mosque yards, are not the area or place of the campaign,” said Central Sulawesi FKUB Chair Zainal Abidin.

“Don’t make the house of worship a place of campaign,” added the Alkhairaat Big Board of Experts Council.

The Central Sulawesi Rois Syuriah NU invites election participants to be together with interfaith leaders and election organizers to provide understanding and introduce elections to the public. That is so that people understand and know carefully the substance of this 2019 democracy party.

“Let us join hands together to give an understanding of the election to the community so that elections can be quality, dignified, and the expected elections of the community component can be realized,” said the Chairperson of the Palu City MUI. (Ksr / Ins / Ant / P-1)

Source: Media Indonesia

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