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Be Careful, Mosques Are Radical


By: Arjuna Wiwaha

In the beginning, the main reason for religious radicalism or hardline Islamic movements was motivated by local politics from political dissatisfaction, political marginalization and the like.

But after the formation of the movement, religion, although initially not as a trigger, later became a legitimate and adhesive factor that was very important for the hardline Islamic movement.

The radicalism movement in Indonesia, especially in the area of ​​the mosque, can certainly harm the NKRI constitution and also not in accordance with the Pancasila. Radicalism can make the country looked down on by other nations so that it will have a negative impact on the country’s future.

BIN spokesman Wawan Hari Purwanto, said that until now the agency was still intensively empowering the lecturers to no longer convey radicalism. The training starts from the approach to literacy so that the lectures delivered contain messages or soothing content.

BIN has also coordinated with related institutions and organizations, such as the Ministry of Religion, the Indonesian Ulema Council to the Indonesian Mosque Council in empowering and fostering the management of mosques and dozens of lecturers exposed to radicalism.

Some mosques were also used to spread the ideology of radicalism, some were used for consolidation, even some mosque administrators became travel agents for anyone who wanted to go to Syria.

In measuring radicalism there are also indicators that can be used to measure a lecture. The first is the attitude of the preacher to the ideology of the state, both their attitudes towards non-Muslim leaders and the third is the attitude of the preachers to other religions.

Ideology plays a very important role for the power of the state. The founders of the nation and state through consensus to reach a noble agreement about the Pancasila as the basis of the country, this very large and diverse nation has the right and needs a strong integrative umbrella with norms that can support a great civilization.

Early preventive efforts also need to be sought to prevent the spread of radicalism in mosques – mosques. One of them is empowering preachers / Da’i to be able to give lectures that soothe and fight radical notions in society.

In essence the sermon is to convey advice and teach goodness to the Muslims. Inviting Muslims to apply the teachings of religion that are friendly and full of wisdom. Not a religion that teaches division. Convey exemplary performed by the Prophet, friends and previous Ulama or preach the wisdom of the heirs of religion in their daily lives.

If there is a place of worship such as a mosque that has been indicated by people who understand that is not in accordance with the NKRI, concrete steps must be taken to minimize the negative impact. It starts with an approach to these groups and gives an understanding of their mistakes in understanding religious texts.

Takmir mosque should also provide rules for the Khatib, for example, what can be said and forbidden to do. So that the sermon carried out is truly effective in teaching Islam which is rahmatan lil amin alamin.

To eliminate radicalism in mosques, certainly synergy between ministries and institutions is needed. This is because there are several factors that trigger the emergence of radicalism in Indonesia, such as understanding religion, injustice to poverty. Shallow and erroneous religious understanding is a major factor in the spread of radicalism to terrorism in Indonesia.

The handling of radicalism in Indonesia certainly cannot be done alone by the government. People are also asked to avoid those who openly oppose Pancasila and believe in new ideologies that are not in accordance with the ideology of the Indonesian Nation. Moreover, if there is a certain group that invites people to behave / be intolerant towards others.

The responsibility of guarding the mosque from radicalism is not only the duty of the government. But every citizen has a constitutional right to defend the country. So that the mosque can return to its function, namely as a place of worship and prayer to Allah SWT.

In addition, parents also play a major role in stemming radicalism in Indonesia, parents should be more selective in educating and looking for the best schools for children. In addition, fellow Muslims should not disbelieve – someone’s infidelity, especially from fellow Muslims.

*) Post-graduate Students of the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, University of Indonesia

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