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We Are All Brothers and Sisters, Let’s Support the Results of the 2019 Election with Peace and Dignity


Author: Agung Sugiarto (Blogger Blogger, Alumni UI)

The voting has been completed and the next stage of the 2019 Election is underway, in the near future democratic parties will end with the election of a national leadership and pollitik representative in parliament.

Our nation that is building a healthy political civilization, through elections with integrity is the main way to strengthen and strengthen democracy in our country. Namely democracy that is in accordance with the customs and culture of a dignified Indonesian nation.

Actually the principles of election management compiled by the electoral commission (KPU) are ideal, so that if you want a democratic, dignified and quality election result, both the central and lowest level election organizers must uphold and implement the principles of the election .

But the fact is that election violations are still occurring and this is very possible because our Election system is the most complex Election system as a logical consequence of a large democratic country. But this has made the Indonesian nation continue to strive to improve and improve the quality and integrity of elections in Indonesia to be better and more qualified.

In addition to the above problems and coupled with the problems in the present era, namely the rise of hoaxes and hate speeches that become a new trend as a negative side consequence of the development of IT communication which is marked by the emergence of news media, namely social media that is used in a negative way. Another problem is the Election capitalist system which requires high-cost elections, because if it is not ready for the quality of its politics it will result in politicians corrupt politicians.

The next potential problem is the growing endless political conflict if a democratic contestation is designed to politicize the potential for conflict in society, especially the issue of racial intolerance, which is used as a place of politicization only to absorb votes without regard to fair and dignified competitive principles so that elections can have no integrity and quality.

Elections are a means of realizing people’s sovereignty in order to produce democratic leaders and representatives based on Pancasila and the 1945 Constitution.
Elections have been held in various countries and become a kind of tradition in a certain period, both in countries that have advanced democracy and countries that are still in the process of transitioning to democracy.

In various places Organizing shows that elections cannot be separated from a variety of problems, both violations and electoral fraud as well as the level of participatory voters. In the above context, the concept of elections with integrity is important as a soul in democracy and our responsibility to play an active role, not only election organizers, such as KPU, Bawaslu, and Election Organizing Honorary Council, all parties must work together to succeed in the election of quality and integrity for interests the progress of democracy as a bond and moral contract for the progress of the nation and its country, because through the holding of elections with integrity will be produced by leaders of national quality and integrity, which will lead to a change in civilization to a better nation and country, therefore we all You must accept the results of whatever you get later. Let us support the election results peacefully and with dignity.

Indonesia is a nation with a high culture. Hospitality and sincerity are the most important capital to rule the world. We give to others, let’s invite not to mock. Let’s embrace not hit. I, you, we are all compatriots, let us support the results of the 2019 election peacefully and with dignity for the sake of the continuity of Indonesian development and the honor of the nation towards a nation that is advanced and respected by other nations.

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