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Supporting Efforts to Simplify Bureaucracy in Indonesia


By: Aldia Putra) *

In his second period, President Joko Widodo was committed to simplifying the bureaucracy. This step was taken to accelerate decision making, shortening the bureaucratic chain as an effort to improve the professionalism of the Government.

Bureaucracy is a scourge for the community, especially for those who want to take care of licensing. Although it has been simplified as a one-stop service, but in one roof there are still many doors, of course this affects the economic development in Indonesia.

A convoluted bureaucracy is a parasite in this fast-paced era, if it can be taken care of with only 2 doors, why should it be up to 5 doors, moreover in one door there are several tables.

The government still must continue to organize in various fields of bureaucracy. Such as regulatory structuring, structural reform, cultural transformation and digital-based governance.

              Of course, one of the challenges that will be faced in the process of change, among others, is changing the mindset and work culture. So there are things that need to be prepared such as good education to form a superior workforce.

Minister of Research Technology and Higher Education (Menristekdikti) Mohammad Nasir said inter-agency coordination has been a serious problem in developing innovation. This is partly due to the interpersonal sectoral ego.

              Therefore, the only way that must be taken is to cut regulations that are considered to be able to hamper the government bureaucracy. Over the past 5 years, Mohammad Nasir admitted that he had revoked about 40 ministerial regulations (Permen) which were considered to be irrelevant at this time.

              Indonesian President Joko widodo also emphasized that in the second term of government there should not be any kind of delay. Jokowi wants acceleration in everything.

              Naturally, the former Surakarta Mayor wanted an echelon pruning to speed up bureaucracy in every ministry and institution. A fast bureaucratic process, he emphasized to the ranks of his cabinet. He also emphasized that Indonesia’s current need is flexibility in government.

              Concretely, Jokowi does not want a fat and fat bureaucracy that tends to waste a budget and opens up opportunities for corrupt actions. More than that, it is precisely the obesity of a bureaucracy that can make it difficult for investment to be predicted to boost economic growth. Big plans for expansion of export performance can also be hampered by fat bureaucracy.

              The impact is clear, for 20 years Indonesia has not been able to solve the fundamental problem, namely the current account deficit and the trade balance deficit. This problem certainly cannot be ignored, simplifying the bureaucracy is certainly a strategy for the government to keep Indonesia away from the trade balance deficit.

President Joko Widodo’s (Jokowi’s) plan to cut bureaucracy in his cabinet was welcomed by public policy observer from Banera Institute, Ferdy Hasiman

              According to Ferdy, it is not only the development of the fast moving digital world, but businesses also want to move quickly so they can respond to the market so quickly. But the problem is that the speed is not in line with the speed of licensing in a government that runs so slowly because they have to go through a bureaucratic chain that is twisted or so long. As written in the initial paragraph, one door has many doors, one door has many tables.

              Jokowi also wants echelon III and IV officials to be trimmed or converted into functional officials. Of course this is a brilliant idea, so that the momentum of investment is not hampered by a complicated bureaucracy.

              We must admit, the emergence of many echelons certainly can not be separated from the psychological demand that he wants to be a boss and boss. These echelons unconsciously continually raise their subordinates, because the more subordinates the more important.

              Though the work becomes wordy and ineffective. The risk is, the bureaucracy becomes fat, aka swollen and useless. Even if only with 2 signatures already have permission, why must get 5 signatures.

Responding to this, the Ministry of Administrative Reform and Bureaucracy Reform (Kemenpan-RB) will accelerate the acceleration of the simplification of the bureaucracy. This year the transfer of positions from structural to functional is targeted to be completed.

              Tjahjo Kumolo as MenPan-RB said, simplifying the bureaucracy aims to improve government effectiveness and accelerate decision making.

              Simplification of the Bureaucracy cannot be misinterpreted only as a massive mutation, but is an attempt by the government to improve the effectiveness of government performance in serving the community.

) * The author is a social political observer

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