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Pressing the Parlement to Immediately Discuss the Omnibus Law Cipta Kerja for the National Interest


By: Angga Wiryawan) *

The spread of the Corona Virus or Covid-19 outbreak is believed to have a negative impact on the national economy. The community urges the House of Representatives and the Government to immediately finalize the deliberation of the Omnibus Law on Employment Law to accelerate the recovery of the nation’s economy and other national interests.

Even though the Corona Outbreak is affecting many regions in Indonesia, the performance of the Government apparatus is considered not to be slowed down or stopped. The reason is, at the DPR’s table there is already a draft ready to be discussed and decided upon. Namely, Omnibus Law Cipta Karya which has a high enough urgency to save the nation’s economy.

The chaos caused by this pandemic has more or less influenced the economic conditions of the Indonesian people. Disarray this time enough to make them helter-skelter abysmally. Declining purchasing power, depleting income and even losing a job. Unemployment began to pile up, even though previously unemployment was at 7 million. Not to mention 2 million new workers every year. Isn’t this more worrisome?

Meanwhile, the government that wants to intervene is constrained by the rules. Is not in our country already very popular with the complexity of bureaucracy and regulation. Overlap rules until the law’s expiration. So that it is considered unable to accommodate all the problems of citizenship. Therefore, Omnibus Law Cipta Karya is present as a breakthrough to overcome the length of the Indonesian regulatory procedures.

Broom universe bill that does not only cover one sector alone. However, it is more than a dual function as an ongoing law. That is, if in one sector increases, the potential increase in other sectors will also be seen. The implication is, this bill can bring Indonesia immediately move on from a number of premature regulations.

Previously, the Parliament ensured that the Omnibus Law discussion on the Work Cipta Bill would continue, even though Corona Virus is currently epidemic. According to the Deputy Chairman of the Legislative Body (Baleg) Achmad Baidowi stated, if the corona virus pandemic that is currently happening at home is not an excuse for the DPR not to carry out its legislative function in completing the 2020 Priority Prolegnas.

He said, the president’s letter (surpres) and the omnibus law draft of the Cipta Karya Bill would soon be discussed at a meeting of the House of Representatives Council or Bamus. In addition, the Bamus Meeting will schedule ratification related to the discussion of the Cipta Karya Bill through the DPR plenary meeting in the near future.

Awi said that if the public did not need to worry about the discussion process of the Cipta Karya Bill later. In fact, the government continues to open up aspirations for the people. He added if he would open a channel of communication, both virtual and written letters.

According to a number of reports, previously there were several elements of civil society who had urged the DPR and the government to cancel the omnibus law discussion on the Work Draft Bill. Considering, the situation in the midst of the corona virus outbreak is suspected to be ineffective when discussing the law. However, it seems that the DPR did not budge, even Puan Maharani, the chairman of the DPR indicated that this discussion would not be undone.

Through a speech Puan stated that the DPR has a constitutional duty that must continue to be carried out, that is, as a manifestation of the sovereignty of the people. The task is concerned with the discussion and completion of 50 bills on the 2020 priority porlegnas.

He reiterated this after the plenary session of the opening of the DPR session was over. Puan responded to the pressure to cancel the bill by a number of parties. He considered that the DPR will not forget the tasks of legislation, budget, and also oversight in other interests. Despite prioritizing tasks and their functions in handling Covid-19.

He also hopes that the DPR in accordance with the focus of its function is able to help create synergy with the government. However, still related to Omnibus Law, of course it will be discussed according to the mechanism.

The decision given by the DPR is very appropriate. The reason is that the government also cannot intervene if a number of rules are so complicated. This means that the government is in a confusing condition, on the one hand it wants to immediately help the public related to this global disaster. However, on the other hand the government rules endless rules. so the news will be discussed omnibus law this work is able to provide fresh air for the government as well as all people of Indonesia. Hopes for the future in the most difficult times facing Covid-19 will be realized. Aid will be distributed soon and unemployment will be overcome.

) * The author is a citizen living in Bekasi

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