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The Community Should Not Reject The Bodies of Covid-19 Victims


By: Muhammad Yasin) *

A number of people in some areas were indicated to reject the funeral of positive bodies of Covid-19. The action, of course, invites mutual concern because the countrymen will be buried. Residents were advised not to reject the corpse of Covid-19 victims because the funeral was in accordance with operational standards and Corona Virus had died with the body.

Citizens’ concern over the return of Corona’s positive body in an area has recently been excessive. It was said that the residents strongly refused if the bodies were to be buried in the area. In fact, governor Ganjar Pranowo through his Instagram account also requested that residents accept the body. He had asked several experts if it had been applied according to the SOP, everything would be fine.

Although this virus has killed thousands of people around the world, but not and Merta then treat the body like that. The possibility of understanding the Corona virus they know is still minimal. So, they could have swallowed raw all information in circulation. Especially on social networks. On social media, it is indeed very busy with the plague that is sweeping the country. Unfortunately, information about the death of a positive patient Covid-19 is often spiced up with untrue news. And it makes people afraid, even though it is legal to spread hoax content.

Related to this, the Clinical Microbiology Specialist at the University of Indonesia Hospital, Doctor Budiman Bela stated. That the bodies which are treated according to the SOP and tightly wrapped in a plastic body bag do not need to worry anymore. Because the virus will die along with the decomposed corpse. Most importantly, the body wrapping does not need to be opened.

This is to avoid the presence of splashes of liquid that may come out of the body of the body. Which has the potential to transmit the Corona virus. Besides that, there are a number of suggestions for not having to come to mourn.

In line with the statements of other doctors, the statement of the Director of Sulianti Saroso Hospital, Mohammad Syahril, confirmed that the Covid-19 virus would die along with the body. Because the virus can not live on the host (body) that has died.

In this regard, there is also a great deal of literature explaining that Corona’s positive remains belong to martyrdom. This is reinforced by Imam An-Nawawi who has quoted the views of scholars that they all died with all the suffering and pain with extreme pain. So it gets a degree of shahadah or what is called martyrdom.

The degree of martyrdom can be categorized into several types. One of them is death due to a disease outbreak. In fact, in a number of hadiths also mentioned, if people who die due to tha’un (plague) can be classified as martyrs. Thus, of course the family does not need to be ostracized, or bear shame. They are included in the people who are given the position, you know that martyrdom is a very good degree? So, a misunderstanding If then the positive bodies of COVID-19 must be excluded until rejected.

For information, judging from the type of corpse treatment, scholars have divided the two groups of martyrs, namely those who died on the battlefield and those who died not on the battlefield. People who died on this battlefield were martyrs who were not bathed or mistreated as friends who had died in the time of the Prophet. Meanwhile, people who died not on the battlefield were martyrs who were treated as usual, which were bathed, fished (specifically positive for COVID-19, plastic body bags to prevent temporary transmission and if needed), and then also halhal.

A more mature understanding of COVID-19 is in fact needed. Especially in responding to victims dying from this virus. Although it seems trivial, this will cause quite a big problem as happened in the area above. The lack of understanding is further compounded by hoax content which is misleading. Social networking users too trust what is posted. They are reluctant to check beforehand, whether or not the news that was busy circulating.

In fact, the government’s recommendations and socialization related to this virus have been so intense, you know. But how come there are still old-fashioned people like that. Sadly hoax news that is spread by the thousands or could be more. Well, still want to be a victim of hoaxes? let’s wisely filter all information!

) * The author is a Citizen, living in Tangerang

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