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Adapting New Normal for Health Protocol Policy


By: Alfisyah Kumalasari) *

New Normal can be said to be a necessity, because people need to continue their activities even though the culture and behavior are different from the previous mass. The government also states that this policy is not random, because there are scientific factors underlying it.

The new normal implementation plan in Indonesia will certainly have an impact on a number of activities that were previously stopped or restricted and will be reopened with a number of rules. These activities include economic activities such as in shopping centers to places of worship.

Indonesian President Joko Widodo said the opening of places of worship to economic activities in question was carried out through strict stages. He ensured that the opening of the facility used scientific data.

Until now, not all regions in Indonesia can be controlled. Therefore the government intends to open facilities that were previously closed or restricted, of course, by looking at the curve numbers. So this decision will be determined in accordance with strict scientific data.

The former Governor of DKI Jakarta also requested that strict health protocols continue to be applied, so that the new normal order would be applicable to all sectors and regions.

On a different occasion, the Mayor of Bekasi, Rahmat Effendi, said that the school will resume operations at the beginning of the new school year 2020/2021.

The protocol for implementing learning activities in the classroom during the new normal period is stated in the Decree of Mayor (Kepwal) of City Number 420 / Kep.346-Disdik / V / 2020.

Head of the Bekasi City Education Agency, Inayatullah said, at this time his party was socializing the implementation of teaching and learning activities during the new normal to parents of students to all teachers.

So that the implementation of Covid-19 prevention and control can be applied during the teaching and learning process started by students and teachers.

In the Kepwal, the class will implement a physical interface or keep a physical distance. For example by dividing each class into two groups of students. So that one table or one bench can only be occupied by one student.

Then, the time to enter school is divided into two times, the morning shift and the afternoon shift. This is excluded for Early Childhood Education (PAUD), which schedules alternating intervals, day in and day out.

Then, the length of study in school is reduced from the time it should be. The rest of the time is used to study at home.

Meanwhile, schools are also required to provide hand sanitizers and disinfectants. Then, a hand washing area and soap are provided in front of the class. One class, one place to wash hands.

Then, every student and other school residents must wear masks. Schools must also provide a thermometer to check the temperature of students.

Although this policy raises pros and cons in the community, this decision was taken in order to restore economic conditions that had experienced sluggishness.

Coordinating Minister for the Economy Airlangga Hartarto explained the reason the government plans to implement the new normal, based on the economic sector.

The Indonesian economy is almost paralyzed by the corona virus pandemic. The cessation of social activity has actually hampered the economic wheels. This condition certainly cannot be allowed to continue because it will trigger an increase in uncontrolled layoffs.

Airlangga said, Pandemics that threaten health when juxtaposed with socio-economics such as two sides of a coin are always hand in hand. When the health sector is threatened, the economic side is also hit.

Economic growth is certainly something important for Indonesia. recorded before the co-19 Pandemic there are 7 million people who have not gotten a job. This was compounded by 1.8 million workers who were forced to be laid off.

Meanwhile, DKI Jakarta has been mentioned several times by the government as the province most qualified to implement the new normal life order. One of the conditions fulfilled is the large number of residents who have conducted co-19 tests. President Jokowi has also been reminded several times to conduct co-19 tests.

The new normal implementation planned by the government must of course be addressed wisely. Do not let the easing of the PSBB make the community back ignorant and disregard health protocols.

Ready or not an area, New Normal must be prepared and disseminated effectively to various levels of society. So that the economy is increasing and many people are getting healthier.

) * Active writer in the Press Circle and Cikini Students

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