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RUU Cipta Kerja Minimizes the Potential for Corruption


By: Zakaria

The Omnibus Law of the Job Creation Bill will soon be passed and many parties are waiting for it. This Draft Law can minimize the potential for corruption, because it clears away the cumbersome bureaucracy. Legislative corruption cannot occur. The surveillance is much tighter now.

Corruption, which is sometimes accompanied by collusion and nepotism, still occurs even though the percentage is small, because there are people who cheat and want to win by themselves. Now the corruptors cannot go abroad like they used to during the New Order, because the KPK is very closely monitoring. Corruptors are also subject to severe punishment, even entering Nusakambangan.

To overcome corruption, the government drafted the omnibus law on the Job Creation Bill. The public is waiting for this bill to be passed because it brings new hope. Not only advancing the manpower sector, but also being able to minimize the potential for corruption. The bill regulates simplifying licensing and this can prevent corruption and bribes.

In the Job Creation Bill, it is stipulated that small and medium business owners can set up a limited liability company, with only 1 person, whereas in the past it was at least 2 people. In the past, MSMEs had to go through a long bureaucracy to formalize their businesses, now it is made easier. This can prevent corruption of legislation and also gratification by unscrupulous officials.

Menkopolhukam Mahfud MD stated that the bureaucracy was indeed deliberately convoluted. The goal is that there is a flow of money into the pockets of officials who provide permits. Logically, the longer the licensing process, the more officials will be splashed. Because many people are lazy to wait a long time, they end up bribing so that the permit can be issued quickly.

Even though the government officials have been paid above the UMR. However, they deliberately asked for tribute to small entrepreneurs. This violation will be eradicated by President Joko Widodo, because even the smallest amount of money that does not include official fees also includes corruption. KKN will only destroy the morale of the Indonesian people.

Since taking office in 2014, Jokowi has been determined to eradicate KKN. Therefore, the Omnibus Law is designed as a legal umbrella, to eradicate many irregularities in Indonesia. Such as tiring bureaucracy, low employee wages, unclear working hours, worker leave, and especially overcoming problems of corruption, collusion and nepotism.

The investment cluster Omnibus Law also mentions the ease of licensing investment in Indonesia. This can attract foreign investors, as they no longer face confusing licensing regulations.

In addition, investment business licenses can be issued quickly. So that the project can be built quickly and benefit both local entrepreneurs and investors.
In the past, many foreign investors were interested in investing in Indonesia.

However, they resigned because when processing permits they had to go to this office and then continue to that office. There are corrupt individuals who ask for facilitation payments so that their affairs can be carried out. In contrast, permits actually dropped after more than 2 years. Wasting time and wasting money.

So, the omnibus law of the Job Creation Bill must be supported because it is not only good for the welfare of workers and the safety of employers. However, this bill is also able to solve the problem of corruption that has been rooted in Indonesia since colonial times. If the VOC went bankrupt because of corruption, do not let this country collapse.

Corruption, collusion and nepotism are moral diseases that must be eradicated. With the Omnibus Law on the Job Creation Bill, the potential for corruption will be minimized. Because licensing is made easier and the flow of bureaucracy is shortened. Officials will not dare ask for facilitation payments because they are afraid of the threat of punishment from the KPK.

The author is a citizen living in Bogor

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