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Need Firm Sanctions for Health Protocol Violators


By: Angga Gumilar )*

The status of the Covid-19 Pandemic has not ended, but it turns out that it is very easy to find people who do not wear masks when they are outside the home. Strict sanctions seem necessary.

The Pekalongan City Government, for example, has prepared rules to provide strict sanctions for people who do not heed health protocols related to Covid-19.

Discussion of the Rules for giving a number of sanctions began to be discussed after the mayor would issue Mayor Regulation (Perwal) Number 48 of 2020 concerning the imposition of sanctions for violators of health protocols in Pekalongan City.

This is done as an effort to improve community discipline in complying with health protocols.

Meanwhile, the West Kalimantan Regional Police also provide full support for the West Kalimantan Governor’s regulation which imposes sanctions for violators of health protocols. The West Kalimantan Regional Police have discussed the mechanism for implementing sanctions.

Head of the Public Relations Division of the West Kalimantan Regional Police, Kombes Donny Charles, said that the security apparatus will certainly guard government policies in preventing and breaking the chain of the spread of Covid-19.

According to him, several recommendations have also been submitted by the West Kalimantan Regional Police to the Provincial Government of West Kalimantan regarding the Pergub. Some of the recommendations submitted by the West Kalimantan Regional Police were the formation of a task force that had a clear role in carrying out its duties.

Previously, the Governor of West Kalimantan had also issued Pergub number 110 of 2020 concerning the application of discipline and enforcement of health protocol laws as an effort to prevent and control covid-19 in West Kalimantan.

The Governor Regulation stipulates strict sanctions for people who violate health protocols during the Covid-19 pandemic with a minimum fine of IDR 200,000. One of the reasons for the issuance of the Pergub is the increase in Covid-19 cases in West Kalimantan.

In different places, the application of strict sanctions in Sidoarjo Regency, East Java was carried out on August 24 in accordance with Presidential Instruction No. 6/2020.

Prior to the application of these strict sanctions, joint officers and the National Police, TNI and Satpol PP in Sidoarjo had patrolled a number of crowds. Such as food stalls, game rentals, shopping centers and entertainment venues.

The presence of the joint officers suddenly surprised the managers and visitors. Ironically there are some of them who do not adhere to health protocols.

The Head of Sidoarjo Police, Kombes Sumardji, who is in charge of the joint patrol, also appealed to the cafe and coffee shop managers to provide a place for washing hands or hand sanitizer. In addition, the manager can only serve visitors with a total capacity of 50 percent of the capacity of the business. Managers are also required to always keep the location and employees clean, and require visitors and employees to wear masks in an orderly manner.

On different occasions, West Java Governor Ridwan Kamil has approved a Governor Regulation related to sanctions for violating health protocols that include violations at the individual, activity or place level.

The governor, who is familiarly called Kang Emil, also said that the regulation on violating the health protocol had been implemented since Monday, 27 July 2020.

Later, this rule will not only take action against people who do not wear masks, but also activities that violate other health protocol rules.

Emil also explained, the amount of fines for violators varies, ranging from 100 thousand rupiah to 500 thousand rupiah. For example, if there is a public vehicle that violates the health protocol rules, the driver will be fined Rp. 100,000 and the bus owner will be fined Rp. 500,000. This has been written in the Pergub.

Although this regulation tends to be strict, the West Java provincial government has also distributed 6 million masks to residents. Funds for the procurement of these masks come from the regional budget. Various disciplinary efforts have also been made, ranging from education to distribution of masks to the people of West Java.

Indonesian President Joko Widodo also wants to impose strict sanctions on violators of the Covid-19 health protocol. This plan also received support from various regional heads in Indonesia. So that regional leaders, both regents and governors, still have an important role in formulating firm sanctions on the community so that they comply with the applicable health protocol.

The application of strict sanctions is expected to provide a deterrent effect so that public compliance with health protocols can be maintained.

)* The author is a contributor to the Indonesian Strategic Information Studies Institute (LSISI)

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