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The Job Creation Bill Will Bring Many Benefits


By: Zakaria )*

The concept of simplifying regulations through the Omnibus of the Job Creation Bill is considered a bold innovation. This policy was taken because it brought many benefits and accelerated economic recovery during the Covid-19 pandemic.

One of the problems for entrepreneurs in running their business is the difficulty in obtaining a license to start a business. This was allegedly the reason why Indonesia was lagging behind in the economic sector from allied countries.

According to University of Indonesia (UI) Academician Ima Mayasari, the Work Creation Bill (RUU) was present as an effort to improve this condition and provide a number of other benefits for business actors, especially in the Business, Micro, Small and Medium Sector ( UMKM).

As stated by Ima in a discussion entitled the opportunities and challenges of UMKM in the Ciptaker Bill held by the State Islamic University (UIN) Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta LP2M last August.

Difficulties faced by business actors are the complicated licensing procedures and the many types of permits that must be owned. In addition, it takes a long time to process permits, as well as very high costs to start and run a business in Indonesia.

The youngest UI doctor of law degree said, When MSMEs want to create a limited liability company (PT), they currently need at least IDR 7.5 million to pay a notary.

He himself compared the current regulations regarding the establishment of PT with the Ciptaker Bill. The bill makes it easy for MSMEs to establish PT by eliminating the Rp 50 million capital requirement. One UMK actor can establish PT.

In addition, establishing a PT does not require a notary deed of establishment of the company, only requires company statements made electronically and approved by the Ministry of Law and Human Rights.

Ima gave an example of how New Zealand as the country with the top ranking of Ease of Doing Business (EoDB) makes it easier for business actors to take care of their licensing which according to him is very simple. The cost is almost zero for a license to start a business and in terms of time is very short, less than a day because it is done online.

The Ciptaker Bill leads it there. One of the achievements of this bill is a single database. This means that by only having a Business Identification Number (NIB) that is processed online, MSMEs that have a low-risk impact can start their business activities.

The approach of the Ciptaker Bill in the business license is a risk based approach, aka a risk-based approach. Whereas so far the approach has been a license-based approach, aka a permit-based approach that is layered, both at the administrative office level and the regulatory level, regardless of the complexity of the impact and it has been hit equally for all types of businesses.

Risk-based business licensing that is the approach of the Ciptaker Bill is a business licensing process and a supervisory process based on the risk level of business activities. This approach tightens the supervisory function.

According to Ima, the transformation of the business permit approach in the Job Creation Bill needs to be appreciated, because this breakthrough is a licensing reform and a breakthrough to adjust business conditions in Indonesia, with business licensing practices in developed countries.

In addition, MSMEs where business activities are almost riskless only need NIB. As for MSMEs with moderate risk levels, they need standard certification. Meanwhile, for MSMEs and large business units with a high risk of business activity, an AMDAL permit is required.

Not only that, the Ciptaker Bill also provides support in empowering and protecting MSMEs in the form of incentive and financing partnerships.

In addition, State-Owned Enterprises (BUMN) and Village-Owned Enterprises (BUMD) also facilitate the financing of MSMEs, prioritize MSMEs in the procurement of goods and services, and facilitate legal aid.

At the same forum, Secretary General of the South Tangerang UMKM-Small and Medium Industry (IKM) Forum, Didi Purwadi, said that the support for the Job Creation Bill for MSMEs needs to be welcomed and needs to be emphasized. The reason is, 90% of their business comes from the MSME sector.

Didi, who is an UMKM actor, gave advice that the Minimum Wage (UM) regulation should not be applied to MSMEs. Because according to him, if UM is applied to MSMEs there will be mass bankruptcy. Another thing that needs to be considered is the matter of determining the criteria and leveling of MSMEs that need to pay attention to the variables applied by other countries.

Therefore, the Job Creation Bill should be supported because in this regulation there are regulations that provide benefits to entrepreneurs and MSME players.

)* The author is active in the Cikini Press and Student Circle

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