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In the course of a country, of course there are various events that need to be resolved properly. If it is not resolved immediately, the incident will turn into a problem, which in turn will have a domino effect which can be bad for its citizens. In this case, Indonesia is experiencing it, where the rate of investment in Indonesia is being hampered and there needs to be a solution to overcome it. One of the solutions offered was the milking of the Omnibus Law on the Job Creation Act.

The Omnibus Law itself is a package of laws that regulates several things in one law. If an ordinary law contains only one thing in particular, now in this Omnibus Law it can contain several things that are packaged in one law. So the Omnibus Law does not only regulate the work sector in the Job Creation Bill, as it is being rejected recently. However, it also regulates the Taxation Omnibus Law Bill and the UMKM Development Omnibus Law Bill.

The aim of the Omnibus Law, as expected by the current government, is to invite investors to come and create jobs in Indonesia. Its main orientation is economic orientation, but on the other hand this law neglects other sectors such as environment, social, culture, and even worker welfare. This is one of the reasons why the Omnibus Law has received so many rejections. From a policy perspective, the formation of the Omnibus Law does look more practical. Seeing that there are several overlapping laws and regulations, with the Omnibus Law, the regulations can be simplified. Because the formation of the Omnibus Law can replace, add, or change the problematic previous regulations.

Basically, the Omnibus Law is structured with good intentions. However, not all parties can describe that this law has a good purpose. In fact, they tend to appear to have bad goals and reduce worker welfare. Though not so. In essence, the Omnibus Law is the government’s effort to attract investors to invest in Indonesia. With this, it is hoped that job creation will also increase and the pace of the economy can increase. Therefore, let’s support this policy so that the Omnibus Law can bring goodness to all.

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