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President Joko Widodo, in his inauguration speech at the second presidential oath, stated that he was proposing five visions, one of which is the arrangement of regulations or what is commonly referred to as omnibuslaw. The omnibus law is considered a sapujagad regulation, where the initial regulations that are assessed overlap are reconciled and simplified. Of course there are pros and cons, but as a form of adjustment what needs to be considered is the content of the draft currently being discussed. Make this regulation a provider of opportunities to start a business, MSMEs, with the ease of obtaining permits. This has been felt with the one-stop service. This is our opportunity for entrepreneurship, the framing that we need to build at this time is how we advance our nation through entrepreneurship.

The concept of Omnibuslaw is the traditions of the Cammon Law System adopted by countries in America with the concept of for everything (everything), meaning that this law regulates many problems, if in Indonesia there is Omnibuslaw on Job Creation and taxation. With the emergence of this Omnibuslaw, whether it will affect investment as business people or businesses will be more happy with the bureaucracy that is not long (concise), the application of the Omnibuslaw makes the administrative regime cut. The implementation of Omnibuslaw in Indonesia will cut a lot of laws and regulations, with this, the existing laws and regulations such as government regulations, Ministerial regulations and so on will also be trimmed automatically so that it will save costs.

The number of entrepreneurs in our country is currently numbered 3%, how do we increase this number with the ease of obtaining permits in entrepreneurship. The more entrepreneurs there are, the more labor absorption will be and our economy will be stronger. The existence of foreign investors in our country must be a motivation for us so that we are motivated to also become entrepreneurs, so that Indonesian people are not only laborers but also business actors.

Every decision taken has a positive and negative impact, as well as the discourse on simplifying regulations launched by the government. One of the positive impacts is the simplification of regulations, one of which is the easier processing of document permits and the large opportunity to set up a business, so that this can expand employment, which is expected to reduce the existing unemployment rate.

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