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The public believes that the TWK of the KPK has complied with the rules


By: Aldia Putra )*

The National Insight Test (TWK), which was selected before KPK employees were appointed as ASN, was in accordance with the rules. So, the polemic about this exam should not be extended any longer. Because the test results are valid and the questions are also very objective, because they are made by other state institutions. Not by KPK officials.

The KPK is a special institution because it is tasked with eradicating all acts of corruption, collusion, and nepotism in Indonesia. Therefore, if there is news about this anti-corruption agency, it will be directly monitored by the public. Especially when there is a national insight test that must be carried out by all KPK employees, before they become ASN.

The appointment of KPK employees to become ASN is in accordance with the procedure, which must be tested for national insight. However, there are those who are sarcastic and think that TWK is just a trick to overthrow certain investigators. However, they must be self-aware, because every CPNS must work on the questions in the TWK, not only KPK employees .

Karyono Wibowo, Executive Director of the Indonesian Public Institute stated that the process of implementing the TWK assessment was in accordance with the mandate of the law. In a sense, their appointment already has a strong legal umbrella and is in accordance with the rules in Indonesia.

So, there is no longer a problem with the TWK test results, because they are in accordance with the procedure. If KPK employees are appointed as ASN without a test, it is a violation. Because of the rules, everyone who wants to become a servant of the state must undergo a national insight test and pass with satisfactory results.

Moreover, the questions in the TWK were not made by KPK chairman Firli Bahuri or other officials, but were made by other state institutions. So, we can be sure that these questions are very objective because there is no interference from insiders. There are no girls from Firli not to pass certain employees, because he tries to be fair in the process of appointing KPK employees to become ASN.

In addition, the public also believes in the test results, because the assessors also work professionally. In a sense, without any whispers from certain parties. They work well and do not want to be ordered by others to judge that a KPK employee should be fired. Even the KPK officials cannot interfere in this matter.

The assessors also supervised the test process carefully and disciplinedly. Both in the written session and the interview, everything went smoothly. No one cheats on each other or is lazy, because this test is important so that they are appointed as ASN. The test is an important moment because it shows who still loves the Republic of Indonesia. Meanwhile, the others don’t know how much love they have so they don’t pass TWK.

Moreover, the question material also asks about nationalism, diversity, pluralism, and whether KPK employees are involved in radicalism and prohibited organizations? It is clear that acts of separatism are strictly prohibited, so if any KPK employee is caught, they will be immediately sidelined. He will fail miserably as an ASN because it is proven that he is not loyal to the state.

The public also believes that KPK employees who pass the test act honestly, because in this anti-corruption agency, honesty is number 1. They can’t be traitors to the state by taking advantage of their position or rank .

The national insight test is a selection method to find out who are loyal KPK employees, because if they are appointed as state servants, they must love their country. Do not let anyone pass and turn out to be pro-radicalism, because there is no selection before the appointment of KPK employees to become ASN. Because all employees must love the Republic of Indonesia if they want to be ASN.

)* The author is a contributor to Pertiwi Institute

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