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The Community Appreciates the Expansion of the Papua Region


By: Robert Krei )*

The expansion of the Papua region is the right step to break the bureaucratic chain and accelerate development in Papua. The people in Papua also agree with the concept of the division of the Papua region in order to accelerate the realization of prosperity .

Let’s imagine for a moment, the area of ​​Papua is so vast with forest that becomes a barrier between villages, of course, such an area will be difficult to administer. So regional expansion is necessary.

Papuan observer Prof Imron Cotan supports the expansion in the Papua region. Considering the vast territory of Papua with a small population, health services are somewhat hampered. In addition, to travel to other areas, it takes days.

              The limitations of health facilities and long distances certainly have an impact on health services. Moreover, this is supported by the revision of Law Number 21 of 2001 concerning Special Autonomy ( Otsus ) for Papua which regulates a number of aspects. Among other things, affirming the plan for regional expansion or the provincial government in Papua.

              In addition, equitable development will also create equity in terms of budget distribution and also the distribution of development from provinces to regencies/cities in Papua, the division of provinces following customary territories will make the government effective and of course accelerate the pace of development in Papua.

              Papuan DPRD member Boy Markus Dawir stated, if we want to develop Papua, such as South Papua, Central Papua, then Saireri also comes in, and indeed if we want to develop Papua we must be able to follow the existing customary territories. Because in West Papua there are also 2. Then in Papua Province there are five. There are Tabi, Saireri , Meepago , Lapago and Animha .

              This is the ideal and the grassroots community definitely supports this, because apart from the wide geographical area, the customs are also very diverse.

              Boy considered that if it could be divided into 7 provinces, it would be very good to make it easier for the government to build.

              The man who is familiarly called BMD also ensured that with the agenda of equitable development, one of which was the expansion of the province in Papua, then of course the political agenda that was contrary to the spirit of the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia could be controlled a little.

              On a different occasion, Deputy Speaker of the Indonesian House of Representatives, Azis Syamsuddin, welcomed the government’s discourse to expand the province in Papua to create equity and accelerate development.

              According to him, the expansion must be carried out comprehensively and meet the requirements that have been regulated and determined regarding the procedures for the formation, elimination and merging of autonomous regions.

              Azis said that the consideration of the proposed expansion of the province in Papua can be seen from the geopolitical and geostrategic aspects.

              The Golkar Party politician said that the economy should not only be concentrated in certain areas, but must reach the mountains of Papua and other areas.

              Azis assessed that there should be no more Papuans who have to travel for days just to take care of administrative files because the distance is quite far.

              He considered that the expansion of the Papua region must be carried out comprehensively and meet the requirements that have been regulated and determined regarding the procedures for the formation, elimination and merging of autonomous regions.

              Meanwhile, the Minister of Home Affairs, Tito Karnavian , suggested that the regional expansion in Papua could be carried out by the central government.

              According to him, with this proposal, the division of territory in Papua does not only have to be approved by the Papuan People’s Assembly (MRP) and the Papuan People’s Representative Council (DPRP). This provision is regulated in Article 76 of Law Number 21 of 2001 concerning Special Autonomy for Papua.

              Tito explained, the expansion region by the central government still must consider the socio-cultural unity, readiness of human resources, the ability of the economy, developments in the future, as well as the aspirations of the people of Papua via the MRP, DPRP and parties other .

              According to Tito, the division of administrative regions in Papua is very prone to deadlock in discussions at the MRP and DPRP forums after seriously paying attention to socio-cultural unity, readiness of human resources and economic capabilities and future developments.

              Tito said the expansion plan was not final because there was still debate regarding the expansion, it all depended on the government’s financial capacity and also the results of the revision of the Special Autonomy Law for Papua.

              In the near future, the expansion of administrative areas in the Papua Region is likely to be realized soon. Although the issue of administrative division in the Papua region was protracted, endlessly and ceased to be a public discourse, even so the division of the Papua region was a necessity.

)* The author is a Papuan student living in Tangerang

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