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Condemning KST’s Atrocities Against TNI


By: Sabby Kosay )*
The community condemned the Separatist Terrorist Group (KST) for throwing a tantrum again, by shooting 4 TNI members. KST must be eradicated because it is getting more and more disturbing and only spreads fear in the community.
TNI soldiers are at the forefront of dealing with enemies who undermine security in Indonesia, including in Papua. Especially in Cendrawasih Earth, the number of officers is increasing, because there is a special guard. The reason is because in Papua there are still separatist and terrorist groups (KST) that disturb the security of civilians.
TNI soldiers are passionate about serving in Papua, because they feel proud in carrying out their work, for the sake of the motherland. However, on September 2, 2021 at 3.00 WIT, a bloody incident occurred which resulted in 4 TNI soldiers being killed while on duty. They were attacked by 50 members of a separatist and terrorist group in Maybrat Regency, West Papua, while on guard at the Kisor Posramil.
The four TNI soldiers who died were Praka Dirham, Serda Amrosius, Private Zul Ansari, and First Lieutenant Chb Dirman. They lost their lives defending their country’s honor and became victims of KST’s atrocities. Meanwhile, there were also injured victims, namely Sergeant Juliano, who is currently still undergoing intensive treatment.
The Daily Executor (PLH) of Kasdim 1809 along with 25 members of the Maybrat Kodim and the Ayamaru Koramil fully armed have been deployed to the Kisor Posramil and arrived at the TKP at 7 WIT. PLH Kasdim and his men are looking for Pratu Ikbal, who disappeared after the KST attack.
The people were very surprised because again KST caused trouble, even 4 TNI soldiers lost their lives. They regretted KST’s behavior that had the heart to kill officers, when in fact soldiers were on guard for the honor of the beloved country of Indonesia. However, they were harassed and attacked with firearms.
KST’s atrocities against members of the TNI have gone beyond limits, because this is not the first time they have attacked, but several times. Starting from arson, shooting posts, to murder on purpose. In this incident, there were not only injuries but also fatalities. So that TNI soldiers died while defending the country and were mourned by their families.
The public condemns the actions of separatist and terrorist groups because it is not only TNI soldiers who are victims of the KST atrocities, but also civilians. So they feel sad, why does KST have the heart to kill the lives of the Papuan people who are actually their own tribesmen? This is beyond human reason and limits.
Therefore, the community agrees that KST is declared a terrorist organization because they terrorize and frighten the community every day, so that they want to join in an independent Papua. Even though the natives of the Earth of Cendrawasih themselves did not want to defect. The reason is because they are loyal to the Republic of Indonesia and have never thought of becoming a traitor to the country.
The community also supported the arrest of KST members, even to their headquarters. KST indeed must be eradicated to the roots so that it really disappears from Indonesia. The reason is because they can only mess up and never give thanks. That at this time Papua is so modern and advanced, so that there is a principle of justice, especially in the era of President Jokowi’s administration.
KST’s atrocities are beyond humanity and they must be arrested, so that they no longer create chaos in Papua. The reason is that the victims of KST are not only civilians, but also TNI soldiers. Even though the soldiers were defending the honor of the country, they were attacked and killed in a cruel way.

)* The author is a Papuan student living in Yogyakarta

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