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Covid-19 Green Zone Continues to Expand


By: Savira Ayu)*

The number of corona patients in Indonesia is decreasing, accompanied by the expansion of the green zone. This is very good because there is hope to end the pandemic period more quickly. However, everyone still has to obey the 10M health protocol to be safe from corona.

For almost 2 years we have been living in the middle of the covid-19 pandemic and it feels torturous. Corona is not just a disease, but a global disaster, where many sectors have fallen because of it. Starting from tourism, health, to the economy, everything almost fell because of the super-small virus.

However, in the last 1-2 months the situation is more secure under control. The number of COVID patients is only around 600-700 people per day (according to data from the corona handling task force team). As of October 31, 2021, areas with green zone status also increased dramatically, from only 4 to 14. Areas that are green zones include Jambi, Buton, Maluku, to Raja Ampat (Papua).

If there are more areas with the status of a green zone, the safer it will be because there are no cases of corona at all. Meanwhile, in Indonesia, there are no longer areas with red or orange zone status, so the rest (after being cleared with green zones) have yellow zone status.

This fact is further strengthened by a statement from the CDC (the United States’ central agency for disease control) which states that Indonesia is at level 1, aka the level of corona control is very good. Other countries that are also included in level 1 are Hong Kong, Taiwan, Bhutan, and New Zealand.

There are also many countries that are more relaxed about their rules and Indonesian citizens are allowed to enter their country (of course they must quarantine a few days before they get there). For example Australia and Thailand. This proves that they trust the performance of the Indonesian government in dealing with the corona virus, and also monitor that in our country the cases are decreasing.

However, we should not be complacent about this safe situation. The IDI Task Force Prof. Zubairi Djoerban advised that everyone is obliged to obey the 10M health protocol, because the pandemic period is not over yet. In a sense, there are indeed more and more green zone statuses, but you can’t be careless and take off your masks at will. Also obliged to comply with the points in other health protocols.

Health protocols must still be adhered to, even if someone has been vaccinated, because to protect themselves from the dangers of corona. Moreover, what is circulating in Indonesia is the Delta variant of the corona virus which has mutated, so that it spreads faster and more powerfully. We certainly don’t want to be infected with Covid-19, right?

Keep washing your hands regularly or using hand sanitizer, and take a shower, wash your hair, and change clothes when you enter the house. We don’t know where the COVID-19 virus came from, so we must clean up, both in the body and in the home environment. Keep a minimum distance of 1 meter and limit interactions, after all, it’s safer now to chat via social media or apps.

Also adhere to a healthy lifestyle as an effort to prevent corona, because if the human body has a good resistance, it will be difficult to get infected. Try to exercise at least 2 times a week, eat more vegetables and fruit, and drink 2 glasses of water a day.

Indonesia has reached a safe level and more and more have the status of a green zone. Also no more areas that have a red or orange zone status. However, we all still have to be vigilant and obey health protocols, so we don’t get infected with the corona virus. Don’t be complacent and take off the mask, because there is still a risk of transmission.

)* The author is a contributor to Pertiwi institute

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