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Implement Strict Procedures, Prevent Increase in Covid-19 Cases during PTM


By : Syafrudin Pratama *)

As we know, Wiku Adisasmito as the Government Spokesperson for the Handling of Covid-19 appealed to all schools that have implemented 100 percent face-to-face learning (PTM) to adhere to health protocols considering that currently Covid-19 cases are increasing again and students are found in several areas. schools affected by Covid-19.

The school is expected to remind students to try to protect themselves at every opportunity. Such as urging students to diligently wash their hands, wear masks, and maintain a safe distance. Clean and healthy living behavior like this must be reminded to students to avoid exposure to Covid-19.

Then, the school and parents should hurry so that all their students get the Covid-19 vaccine at the nearest vaccination center. These efforts are made so that students can carry out PTM activities 100 percent safely, comfortably, and protected from Covid-19. Health protocols can be applied starting from home, before leaving, while on the way to school or while in the school environment.

In addition, the Education Office in West Java was asked to participate in monitoring the health protocols in its schools because after school hours children often crowded together without wearing masks.

Asep Gufron as the Head of the Bandung City Covid-19 Daily Task Force hopes that the Covid-19 case in Bandung will not increase. Asep explained that for seven days from 20-26 July 2022, the addition of active Covid-19 confirmations in the city of Bandung touched the number of 144 cases with 431 recovered cases.

When compared to other cities or regencies in West Java, Bandung City has entered the top three areas of the highest active cases, so it is important to accelerate booster vaccines in Bandung City.

The author reminds that judging by the increasing number of cases in the city of Bandung, it is important to implement and monitor each other’s discipline towards good and correct health protocols. Such as wearing a mask properly and not taking it off when talking, using sanitation every or after coming into contact with other people, and implementing clean and healthy living behaviors.
In addition, the central government to the regional level must also ensure that everyone has received the third dose of vaccine or booster vaccine.

By learning from experiences in previous spikes, wearing masks correctly in every community activity, and carrying out booster vaccinations can help reduce the possibility of a spike in cases in the future.

Furthermore, the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology (Kemendikbudristek) also provides important notes to schools that implement 100 percent PTM so that school residents, both teachers and students, continue to obey health protocols.

Schools need to increase supervision of the implementation of the process in schools. Do not let the 100 percent PTM that is carried out cause new clusters of Covid-19 transmission. The school must also pay attention to health facilities such as hand washing facilities with soap, clean toilets, and disinfection of all rooms in the school environment so as to prevent the transmission of Covid-19.

According to the author, socialization of health protocols is a must for every school, especially when conducting 100 percent PTM. The Introduction to the School Environment (MPLS) is a good opportunity to socialize health protocols to students.

Students who have taken the booster vaccine will have more immunity compared to those who have been vaccinated twice. Moreover, compared to those who have not been vaccinated, so boosters are useful to protect themselves from possible exposure to Covid-19 in the school environment.

The author hopes that parents and schools should be more vigilant by urging them to adhere to health protocols and vaccinate those who have not received them. Even students who have been vaccinated must remain vigilant because the symptoms caused when exposed to Covid-19 are not more severe than those who have not received the vaccination.

A serious attitude is needed so that Indonesia can overcome exposure to Covid-19 more quickly, especially in the school environment, so that the spread does not increase and 100 percent face-to-face learning can continue to run well. One example that can be applied is the procurement of vaccinations in schools in collaboration with the nearest vaccine center so that the vaccination of students is more regular so that all students get vaccinated.

A serious attitude is needed so that Indonesia can overcome exposure to Covid-19 more quickly, especially in the school environment, so that the spread does not increase and 100 percent face-to-face learning can continue to run well. One example that can be applied is the procurement of vaccinations in schools in collaboration with the nearest vaccine center so that the vaccination of students is more regular so that all students get vaccinated.

In addition to implementing good health protocols in schools that implement 100 percent PTM, the government must also continue to advise the public that Covid-19 in Indonesia is not over and always maintain health protocols when traveling and carry out vaccinations or boosters for people who have not received it.

By undergoing a health protocol followed by a vaccination program in the school environment, it is hoped that 100 percent Face-to-face Learning can be carried out properly without any exposure to Covid-19 to students.

*The author is a contributor to the Trilogy Institute

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