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Academics Agree BLT Distribution Must Be Right on Target


The transfer of fuel subsidies to BLT is one of the government’s efforts to ease the burden on the community. However, the distribution of social assistance (bansos) needs to be monitored so that it is right on target. The goal is to really channel it to the poor and vulnerable poor.

The Director of the School of Statejik and Global Studies (SKSG) University of Indonesia, Athor Subroto, Ph.D, stated that the calculation of the BLT BBM had been calculated very well by the government.
“The government’s economic team has certainly tried to calculate so that the amount of BLT can help the community’s needs. At least, people don’t lose their purchasing power,” he explained.
In fact, with the fuel price adjustment, the prices of other necessities will also be affected. However, a good calculation and proper distribution of BLT BBM will be able to handle the risk of inflation that may occur.
“The impact of this inflation must be handled from various sides, including one of which is that the government is currently providing BLT. This will be a balance, when there is inflation, there will be assistance from the government, “said Athor Subroto.

Economic observer from Samratulangi University Manado, Dr. Joy Tulung said that the BLT social assistance in North Sulawesi Province (North Sulawesi) must be right on target.
“The provision of BLT will increase people’s purchasing power and have a positive impact on recipient households,” said Joy, in Manado, Tuesday.
He said that the provision of BLT was indeed more effective because the target recipients were clearer.
“But we must continue to be reminded so that the government has a valid and well-targeted database to provide BLT, so that the target is not misguided,” said Joy.
He explained that the government provided social assistance for the underprivileged as a social cushion. The policy of adjusting subsidized fuel prices was considered appropriate. The social assistance includes direct cash assistance (BLT), wage subsidy assistance (BSU) and public transportation assistance.
Joy said the government’s step by providing social assistance was appropriate to ease the burden on the community in the midst of adjusting fuel prices.

The Chancellor of the Bengkulu Dehasen University, Prof. Dr. Kamaludin, SE., MM revealed that in line with the fuel price adjustment policy, the central government also provided social support to the community, one of which was in the form of BBM Direct Cash Assistance (BLT) aimed at maintaining people’s purchasing power.
“People who have received BLT should use it wisely and not use it for non-urgent or non-essential needs. “He explained.
Kamaludin also asked for the role of all parties, both the local government and the community to supervise the distribution of BLT BBM so that it was right on target.
“We need to monitor the distribution of BLT BBM together, local governments from the provincial level to the RT and RW levels and the community must play a role in overseeing the distribution so that it is right on target.” he concluded.

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