AMN was built to grow students’ national character
By: Rommy Fernando
The Nusantara Student Dormitory (AMN) is a dormitory built by the Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing (PUPR) in accordance with Presidential Regulation (Perpres) Number 106 of 2021. According to the author, the decision to issue this Presidential Decree is the right thing to build a sense of diversity and unity. Indonesia. This is stated in Presidential Decree Number 106 of 2021 which considers that in order to increase the value of national diversity and a sense of national brotherhood for students who have a diversity of ethnicities, languages, cultures and religions and come from various tertiary institutions it is necessary to integrate students through the development and management of universities. MN .
AMN will accommodate students from various regions studying at universities around the place where AMN was built. The government through the PUPR Ministry plans to build AMN in six regions. In the Presidential Decree it is stated that the construction of AMN will be carried out in South Jakarta, DKI Jakarta Province, Bantul, Yogyakarta Special Region Province , Surabaya City, East Java Province, Malang City, East Java Province, Makassar City, South Sulawesi Province, and Minahasa Regency, North Sulawesi Province. A MN is also intended for native Papuans who are studying in the six regions. later native Papuans will also get a quota of 50% to inhabit the AMN. The author considers that the 50% occupant quota for indigenous Papuans can be a step in equity in Indonesian education, especially for Papuans.
As stated in Presidential Decree Number 106 of 2021 in Chapter I article 1 which reads ‘Archipelagic Student Dormitory’, hereinafter abbreviated as AMN, is a forum for uniting students from various ethnic groups, languages, cultures and religions who come from various regions in Indonesia and from various universities. high’ it is clear that the government has clear steps to unite the Indonesian people through the AMN development program which is used as a residence for students throughout Indonesia who study in the area around which AMN was built. AMN residents are recipients of the Archipelago Student Dormitory scholarship which includes indigenous Papuans who are the best sons and daughters of the nation.
Apart from being a residence, A MN also provides coaching programs for students who live in AMN. The Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology together with related institutions, in this case the State Intelligence Agency (BIN), will provide national coaching for students living in AMN. The author believes that the development of the Archipelago Student Dormitory (AMN), which was then encouraged by the coaching program in the dormitory, makes AMN’s goal as a forum for uniting the nation appropriate and programmatic and capable of producing a generation of leaders for Indonesia.
B IN will be the leading sector in the development carried out at A MN . Because BIN is a non-ministerial government institution tasked with carrying out government tasks in the Intelligence sector. BIN, which has the task of being the first line in national security, will guide the students who are residents of AMN. BIN, which is engaged in intelligence, has extensive knowledge and intelligence as well as the ability to maintain the unity and integrity of the Indonesian nation. It has an important role in fostering AMN penghui students. BIN has the capacity to foster nationality, citizenship, the character of Pancasila students, state defense, entrepreneurship, leadership and pioneering according to what is stated in Presidential Decree Number 106 of 2021.
Nationalism is the perspective of the Indonesian nation in managing the life of the nation and state based on national identity and awareness of the national system originating from Pancasila, the 1945 Constitution, the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia (NKRI), and Bhinneka Tunggal Ika, to solve various problems of the nation and state in order to achieve a safe, just, prosperous and prosperous society. For this reason, the authors agree that nationalism has an important meaning in strengthening the sense of nationalism and increasing the spirit of nationalism. For the Indonesian people, nationalism is a fundamental value that has become the nation’s way of life or the nation’s political character. Technological developments, apart from being believed to be something that will make life easier nowadays, but on the other hand it also opens up gaps to facilitate the entry of understandings that are contrary to the values of Pancasila in the midst of society.
stem the rapid advances in technology. Therefore, we must make efforts to provide continuous provision to the community, especially for Indonesian youth, so that people’s personal attitudes with a strong national character are formed. Then, BIN has a strategic role in providing guidance to AMN resident students .
*The author is an analyst at an archipelago study institute