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Communities Are Urged to Be Aware of KST Attacks


The security forces are committed to continuing to enforce the law against Papuan Separatist and Terrorist Groups (KST). Nevertheless, the public is asked to be more aware of KST attacks, including propaganda of separatist views.

KST is part of the Free Papua Organization. They use weapons to frighten people and fight security forces. The existence of KST is certainly troubling, because after a long time they run rampant, attacking and causing casualties.

Papua Police Chief Inspector General Mathius D Fahiri stated that the number of disturbances from the Armed Criminal Group (KKB) during the first half of 2022 had increased compared to the same period in 2021. He also reminded his members in vulnerable areas not to let their guard down and to always be vigilant. Likewise with civilians, especially those who work as motorcycle taxi drivers. Because many of them are victims.

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Inspector General Mathius continued, in the first semester of 2022 there were 44 cases of KST disturbances. Consisting of shootings, gunfire, persecution, arson, and confiscation of firearms. The victims recorded were 12 civilians, seven TNI members, one Polri member and four KST members. This figure is higher than the cases in semester I of 2021, namely 33 cases.

Meanwhile, throughout 2022 there were 48 fatalities due to the KST attack. In detail, 35 were civilians and the rest were from the security forces. The increase in the number of victims is very sad because it shows the cruelty of this separatist group. The people continue to hate KST because they are both Papuans, but have the heart to kill their own tribesmen.

With so many KST victims, it is only natural that Papuans are asked to be wary of attacks from the separatist group. This is because the number of victims has increased and KST has become more violent in recent years, due to the pandemic. They find it difficult to get food when they are guerrillas in the forest, so they are determined to carry out robberies and attacks on the community.

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The majority of victims are indigenous Papuans and this is regrettable because they have the heart to attack and kill their own tribesmen. Most of the victims were motorcycle taxi drivers and workers in the informal sector, because they were accused of spying for the authorities. Even though they were just ordinary civilians but became victims of KST’s atrocities, therefore they had to be more careful when they were on the streets.

When there is an attack on the community, whether those with the status of motorcycle taxi drivers or others, the Papuan people are asked to cooperate and report it by calling or coming directly to the security forces’ office. With this report, brutal attacks can be prevented quickly, and investigations can be held to find out the locations of KST bases that have not been uncovered.

Even though there is an appeal to be aware of KST attacks, people don’t need to panic and worry too much. The reason is because they are protected by the Carstensz Peace Task Force, which is loyal to protecting Papuans from possible further KST attacks.

Meanwhile, the Forum Community of Independent Social Media Activists (FPMSI) provides support to the TNI and Polri (virtually) for fair law enforcement against KST. The goal is a peaceful and prosperous Papua, and when there is a KST it is impossible for there to be peace. This declaration was attended by netizens, especially millennials, both in Papua and other regions.

The chairman of the Independent Social Media Activists Forum (FPMSI) Rusdil Fikri stated that the purpose of the virtual declaration was to invite the Papuan community and political figures to support law enforcement against KST. Apart from that, the participation and active role of netizens can also be carried out by uploading positive posts on social media.

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The purpose of this upload is so that more and more people are aware that the government has so far given a lot for the development of Papua. The reason is because the KST has been spreading provocations and hoaxes, so they are afraid that the people will be influenced, then turn against the government. In fact, the government has made so many facilities for Papua.

With the participation and support of netizens throughout Indonesia, Papuans are optimistic that KST attacks will decrease. The reason is because KST does not have a place in the hearts of the people and Papuans themselves already know that this group is dangerous. They cannot attack the people, neither in the real world nor in cyberspace.

Netizen participation is very important so that KST does not carelessly attack in cyberspace by spreading photos and videos containing their atrocities against Papuans. The public is asked not to believe the content because it could be hoax or propaganda.

The KST attacks have recently become more brutal and have resulted in fatalities. The public is asked to be aware of KST attacks by being more careful when outside the house. They are also required to report quickly when there is an attack by KST. Then, the participation of netizens is also important in order to stem hoaxes and propaganda from KST in cyberspace. (Rebecca Marian, Papuan Student Lives in Jakarta)

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