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Community Synergy Creates a Conducive Democratic Climate in the 2024 Election


The synergy that occurs between all people in the country is very important to continue to develop. This is because it will be able to create a democratic climate that is peaceful and also conducive to the implementation of elections in 2024.

The House of Representatives of the Republic of Indonesia (DPR RI) has ratified the Presidential Election (Pilpres) and also the Legislative Election (Pileg) which will be held on the 14th of February 2024. This agreement was taken together with the government and election organizers at a hearing at the Commission II Building of the Indonesian Parliament on Monday, January 24, 2022.

Regarding the ratification of the Presidential and Legislative Election dates, Bawaslu chairman Abhan said that in principle, Bawasu himself was ready to carry out election oversight by using a vote-count scheme for the 14 February 2024 elections and the elections to be held on 27 November 2024. Then on May 15 and 2024 elections Count the elections on November 27, 2024, which is another mutually agreed scheme.

According to him, his party has prepared a simulation calendar for monitoring, handling violations and implementing disputes over the election process. Meanwhile, Chair of Commission II of the DPR, Ahmad Doli Kurnia stated that the decision had been taken after stakeholders held several meetings in 2021.

Through the process of several meetings, according to Ahmad Doli, it turned out that all parties had put aside their respective sectoral egos and also agreed to prioritize the interests of the nation and state. Furthermore, he also stated that even though no matter how difficult the situation will be faced, if all parties are able to work together then all of them will be able to overcome the difficulties they face, as long as all of them are solid to move on it will become easier.

Then, the Minister of Home Affairs (Mendagri RI), Tito Karnavian also explained that the general election (Election) which will be held on 14 February 2024 has provided sufficient space if later there are election participants in the Presidential Election who turn out to file a dispute and the presidential election can be held with two rounds.

Meanwhile, the Governor of Lampung, Arinal Djunaidi continues to push for the national target to be achieved in voter participation in the 2024 General Election (Election). He is of the opinion that one of the most important parts of an election process is the increased role and participation of all Indonesian people.

Therefore, he hopes that in the upcoming 2024 election all parties can continue to push for an increase in voter participation. Furthermore, the Governor of Lampung is of the opinion that it is very necessary to carry out monitoring, reporting, evaluating political developments in the region as well as increasing synchronization and integration with Forkopimda as well as other forums such as FKUB, FKPT, FPK, FKDM, PPWK and the Integrated Social Conflict Handling Team.

According to him, with the synergy and synchronization of various parties, the simultaneous elections in 2024 will be able to produce national leaders and representatives of the people who have strong legitimacy and are able to carry out their duties with full responsibility.

Arinal Djunaidi appreciated and said that it is necessary to hold more events that are able to continue to strategically increase the importance of meaning in the context of facing the implementation of the 2024 Simultaneous Elections. Apart from that, he also said that with many outreach events it aims to further establish strong synergy between Election Organizers , Provincial Governments, City/Regency Governments and all election stakeholders in carrying out their duties so as to create a peaceful and conducive democratic climate.

In addition, so that there are efforts to continue to optimize preparedness both from the Regional Government, the Security Service and also the election organizers in the regions. According to Governor Arinal, there are several things that still need to be followed up in carrying out the duties and functions of each party.

Some of the things that are important to follow up in order to ensure a peaceful and conducive democratic climate during the implementation of the 2024 elections are so that people are able to continue to be vigilant and prevent things that can harm the election process, such as wars of hoaxes and propaganda, money politics, identity politics. , there are black campaigns, dawn attacks, intimidation and coercion and other things.

It is undeniable that the implementation of the Simultaneous General Election democratic party in the upcoming 2024 must be carried out under the conditions and situation of a democratic climate full of peace and conduciveness that is continuously maintained. Therefore, it is very important that there is synergy among all Indonesian people to continue to create this healthy climate.

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