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Papua Youth Creative Hub Strategies for Development of Human Resources in Papua


Papua – The Papua Youth Creative Hub (PYCH) initiative is a surefire strategy for the Government to develop Human Resources (HR) in Papua. It is hoped that the existence of the building, which was driven by the Papuan Inspiring Youth (PMI) assisted by the State Intelligence Agency (BIN), is expected to be able to inspire Papuan youths to actively develop the Cendrawasih Land.

Papua has a myriad of human resources with the potential to build the welfare of the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia (NKRI). The government is now trying to even out the development of the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia to the eastern regions of Indonesia, to be precise in Papua. This effort aims to increase infrastructure development in order to realize the welfare of the Papuan people.

According to PMI management, Kevin Baldwin Aburyaan, there are many Papuan youths who have great potential. These potentials and talents need to be sharpened. Therefore, it is hoped that the PYCH facility will become the driving force as well as the center for human resource development, especially young talents in Papua.

“The development of PYCH is a center for the development of young talents which is projected to be a place to gather outstanding young human resources in Papua from various disciplines. Through PYCH, it is hoped that young people can contribute to reducing unemployment and poverty,” said Kevin.

PYCH itself accommodates various talents, such as millennial farmers, digital ecosystems, as well as research and innovation development. In this case, BIN provides support for the development of PYCH as a vehicle for developing the talents of young Papuans.

PYCH, which was initiated by BIN and PMI, is one of the efforts to develop the human potential of the Papuan people. The development of PYCH is also the right step in equitable distribution of infrastructure development in the context of the welfare of the Papua region.

Project Manager for PMI’s Creative Industries, Aksamina Woisiri hopes that the building will later be used and utilized by PMI in carrying out its work programs for the welfare of the people in Papua and West Papua.

“Later on, various programs will also be carried out such as training, self-development, and coaching which will be carried out by BIN. This coaching is important to do considering the potential that is owned by young Papuans is very abundant. With the coaching carried out by BIN, it is hoped that it can help young Papuans hone their potential so that they can channel their talents for the betterment of Indonesia,” said Aksamina.

His party also added that this PYCH could later become Indonesia’s Silicon Valley.

“Silicon Valley is a place where information technology entrepreneurs emerge. Meanwhile, Inspiring Young Papua does not only train in technology, but also in business and management,” concluded Aksamina.

A number of facilities will be built at PYCH, including co-working spaces, spaces for learning technology, digital technology, concert halls, product innovation spaces, dormitories and sports facilities. The construction of adequate facilities will also encourage the enthusiasm of young Papuans to develop their potential. Papuan youths will be free to innovate and be creative to hone their talents so they can be channeled to other Papuan people.

The presence of the building will help the younger generation of Papua in making works and doing everything that can be done for the good of the people of the land of Papua.

The existence of PYCH needs to receive wide appreciation from many parties as a form of the state’s commitment to advancing Papua. With this attention, it is hoped that many young Papuan talents will emerge who will hold the baton for national leadership.

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