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All Heads of State are Enthusiastic to Attend the ASEAN Summit in Labuan Bajo


Indonesia is the Chair of ASEAN 2023 and is also the host. A total of 11 Heads of State will attend this Summit. The committee is ready to welcome the ASEAN Summit delegates and prepare the best facilities for them.

Main Director of the Labuan Bajo Flores Authority Executing Agency (BPOLBF), Shana Fatina said, the 2023 ASEAN Summit will be attended by 11 heads of state from ASEAN members and friendly countries. The delegation accompanying the chief was estimated at 550 people. Meanwhile, the 42nd ASEAN Summit will take place in Labuan Bajo, West Manggarai Regency, East Nusa Tenggara (NTT), on May 9-11 2023.

Apart from the delegation, there will be around 300 to 500 national committee members across ministries and institutions, and 1,300 security forces will be present in Labuan Bajo. It is hoped that this will have a significant impact on the people of Labuan Bajo.

Shania added, the arrival of the heads of state will have a direct impact on the tourism sector and the creative economy directly such as transportation, accommodation, crafts and indirectly such as the supply of food from agriculture and animal husbandry.

A number of Heads of State will attend the 2023 ASEAN Summit. They will not only conduct conferences. But at the same time enjoying the natural beauty of Labuan Bajo, NTT. The Heads of State came from the Philippines, Malaysia, Myanmar, Brunei Darussalam, Thailand, Singapore, Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos and Timor Leste.

The 2023 ASEAN Summit has various important benefits. In addition to mutually beneficial bilateral cooperation, this Summit will realize ASEAN as the center of the world economy. With the collaboration of all ASEAN countries, the economy will rise and even become a world business center.

All NTT residents unanimously welcomed the guests of the ASEAN Summit delegation in a friendly manner and contributed to the success of the event. The Regent of West Manggarai, NTT, Edistasius Endi asked the people of Labuan Bajo to jointly succeed in the ASEAN Summit in May 2023. One of them, by behaving friendly, both to tourists and guests of the ASEAN Summit.

The Regent and all residents of Labuan Bajo are ready to welcome the guests of the 2023 ASEAN Summit delegation. They are happy because thanks to this event, Labuan Bajo is increasingly recognized by ASEAN leaders. If the delegation comes to NTT and is fascinated by its beauty, they will plan to have a vacation later in the middle of the year or the end of the year. The tourism sector in NTT will increase again.

The Regent of West Manggarai, NTT, Edistasius Endi asked the people of Labuan Bajo to jointly succeed in the ASEAN Summit in May 2023. So that the ASEAN Summit event has an economic impact on the local community. Endi also reminded micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs) and farmers in the western tip of Flores to present good quality products.

The arrival of the heads of state and their entourage will benefit the people of NTT. They were happy because thanks to the event, Labuan Bajo was increasingly recognized by ASEAN leaders. If the delegation comes to NTT and is fascinated by its beauty, they will plan to have a vacation later in the middle of the year or the end of the year. The tourism sector in NTT will increase again.

The ASEAN Summit because it is very beneficial for local people, and the region will be increasingly recognized by Southeast Asians and the whole world. The reason is because when there is the 2023 ASEAN Summit, international journalists will come to cover and then they will be amazed by the natural beauty of Labuan Bajo.

If Labuan Bajo’s nature and tourism are highlighted by international media, then the place will become more popular and it is hoped that foreign tourist visits will also increase. They will travel there because they watch the coverage, both on television and on the YouTube channel.

When Labuan Bajo tourism becomes more popular, foreign tourist visits will increase the income of local entrepreneurs there. Especially for hoteliers and other inns. After 3 years of the pandemic and business being quiet, at the Summit the hotel occupancy will be filled again. Both from the summit participants and foreign tourists who want to take a vacation and enjoy the natural beauty of NTT.

With the arrival of the head of state, it is hoped that Indonesia and tourism in Labuan Bajo will become increasingly global. Therefore, the public continues to be encouraged to welcome heads of state who come to the 2023 ASEAN Summit, including assistants and their entourage. They realized the importance of this event for the future of Indonesia. When there are many members of the Police and TNI on guard, it is considered normal because it is for security purposes.

)* The author is a contributor to Persada Institute

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