Papua Development Include Indigenous People in Cendrawasih Land
Papua is being developed massively by the government. In the development process, the indigenous people of Cendrawasih Earth were involved. They have the right to build their own area. The Special Autonomy Law (Otsus) also states that the leader in Papua must be an Indigenous Papuan (OAP) so that he has the opportunity to carry out development in his territory properly.
President Jokowi’s government since 2014 has been trying to develop the eastern part of Indonesia so that there is a balance of progress with the western part. Especially in Papua, because it has tremendous potential for natural resources and human resources. The beauty of nature, crops, and the strength of the Papuan people can be honed to make it even better.
Development in Papua is highly appreciated by the people. They feel more advanced after the construction of the Trans Papua Road and various other infrastructure. Papua is now more modern and beautiful. Moreover, the indigenous people in Cendrawasih Land are also involved in development in their own area.
Vice President KH Ma’ruf Amin stated that all Papuan people must unite their hearts and goals in accelerating the development of Indonesia from Papua, especially South Papua Province. South Papua was built with the same goal, with the same heart, unite hearts, unite goals, Izakod Bekai Izakod Kai, that is a motto that continues to be lived, not only in writing but in society.
The Vice President added that there are several important things to do in accelerating development in Papua. First, the Minister of Home Affairs Tito Karnavian is obliged to immediately discuss various issues and agendas that are of concern to South Papua Province.
Second, the presence of a new province in Papua as a strategy of strong impetus, which can drive the development of the welfare of indigenous Papuans. One of them, through new innovations.
There must be a new way that is a breakthrough. Do not walk mediocre in managing the development of Papua. Formulate specific superior commodities from each district in South Papua. Integrated regional connectivity design. Prioritize the participation of indigenous Papuans.
The vice president’s message to prioritize indigenous Papuans in development is very telling. The reason is not to let the people of the Cendrawasih Land just become spectators in their own homes. As indigenous people, they have the right to be involved in the development of Papua in all fields.
The step to involve the Papuan people in development is to put the Special Autonomy Law into practice. One of the points is that all governors, deputy governors, regents, mayors and their deputies must only be held by Orang Asli Papua (OAP).
The rules in the Special Autonomy Law were made not for fear that Papua would be led by outsiders. But as a legal umbrella so that OAP is guaranteed to develop their own area. If the governor or mayor is OAP, he will understand what the people need, because he is a native of the region.
Leaders who are native Papuans can easily approach Papuans because they are both local people. With a heart-to-heart approach, development on Cendrawasih Earth will run smoothly. There will be no objections because the residents understand that development is meant for their welfare.
When there is a leader who is native to Papua, he will be determined to eradicate poverty. In the past, poverty was indeed a cause for concern, because there were 25% of residents belonging to the lower middle class. This is the concern of the President and he is trying to make the Papuan people prosperous. Therefore, infrastructure was built and the aim was that there would be no economic inequality between Papua and Java.
The result of development in Papua is the low poverty rate there. Poverty has decreased from 55% in 1999 to only 22% in 2019. This drastic drop in the number of poor people is also the result of the special autonomy program that has been implemented since 2001. It can be said that special autonomy volume 1 was successful, so it was extended in 2021 and beyond.
The welfare of the Papuan people will also increase thanks to the electrification project initiated by the local government. If the entire area is electrified, then people can open shops late into the night and open other businesses that certainly need electricity. There are no more areas without electricity in Indonesia, it’s not like in the middle of nowhere anymore.
Meanwhile, the Minister of National Development Planning Suharso Monoarfa stated that the accelerated development was indeed based on the indigenous people of the Cendrawasih Earth. So that they can develop their own area.
The current Governor of Papua is Ridwan Ruusukun. While in West Papua led by Paulus Waterpauw. The two sons of Papua are trying to advance the Cendrawasih Land, so that their people will be more prosperous. The existence of special autonomy, which requires indigenous Papuan leaders, is intended so that they understand how to advance their own brothers and sisters in their own region.
Development in Papua involves indigenous people on the Cendrawasih Land. They are given the opportunity to develop their own region because they have intelligence, and understand what the people of Papua need. Therefore, all the people agree that the leaders in Papua are OAP.
)* The author is a Papuan student living in Makassar