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ASEAN Summit 2023 Empowering Youth to Build Society


Bogor – Alumni of the ASEAN Youth Exchange or The Ship for Southeast Asian Youth Program (SSEAYP) Aep Saepudin Muhtar hopes that the holding of the ASEAN Summit can encourage youth to have regional and global perspectives.

“Of course, we have to encourage the improvement of the quality of students, both students and students, to have a regional and global perspective,” he said.

Then, the man who once served as an administrator for the Special Branch of Nahdlatul Ulama (PCI-NU) Malaysia emphasized that Indonesia must be able to encourage NGOs to participate in improving the quality of Human Resources in ASEAN.

In a separate place, the Main Director of the Labuan Bajo Flores Tourism Authority Executing Agency (BPOLBF), Shana Fatina said that there was one of the youth empowerment programs at the 2023 ASEAN Summit to be able to love the environment and be active in community development.

“At the same time there are ASEAN Youth Leaders, these are 22 youth delegations with 10 local people from Labuan Bajo who will sail to introduce Labuan Bajo,” he said.

The introduction event will be carried out by as many as 22 young delegates from regional countries by sailing by ship for three days and two nights.

In fact, it’s not just going on a cruise, the best youth from each country will also be involved in a community project.

The community project will hold young delegates by planting mangroves. It’s not enough to get there, they will also carry out several other activities such as cleaning the beach and also visiting schools.

On the other hand, Shana also gave an overview of how lively and present the delegates were to Labuan Bajo. According to him, the total number of delegations attending Indonesia was up to around a thousand people.

This number, according to Shana, could still change and increase with the existence of a national committee and also a security team. At least approximately 3,000 people will crowd Labuan Bajo during the ASEAN Summit.

“The target is around 500 delegates, last reported yesterday that there could be up to 1,000, 50-70 for each country, then 300-500 national committee members, 1,300 security guards. So we can imagine 3,000 people milling about on 5-12 May 2023,” said Shana.

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