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Supporting the Strengthening of Security Forces in the New Autonomous Region of Papua


By : Saby Kossay )*

The security forces continue to prepare their personnel to be able to continue to fill in and participate actively in securing the entire area of ​​the New Autonomous Region of Papua. This is in the context of improving the quality of public services that are far more optimal and excellent so that the community can continue to be nurtured and protected.

Indonesia is the largest archipelagic country in the world. How could it not be, this claim is not just a mere word or slogan, the article is that Indonesia itself has more than 17,000 (thousand) islands . Even out of that many islands owned by the country, it turns out that only around 7,000 (thousand) islands are inhabited.

Some of the islands that are inhabited by themselves include, Kalimantan, Java, Sulawesi , Sumatra and also Papua which are some of the main islands in Indonesia. Indonesia’s nickname, namely the archipelagic nation itself, is actually a task and challenge that belongs to the central government and regional governments (Pemda) respectively.

This is because indeed with the ownership of so many territories or islands, the government must also be able to guarantee that it can continue to pay attention to and improve the welfare of the people in every region in the country. Welfare is not even just an economic matter, but also related to social, political and other aspects.

Therefore, in order to continue to improve the quality of efforts to improve welfare for all Indonesian people, it is very important to establish new regions or expand regions.

It is known that Indonesia used to have 33 provinces, but it continues to grow to 34 provinces. However, officially, since July 25 2022, the number of provinces in Indonesia itself has again experienced an increase, so that now there are 37 provinces.

For information, the Indonesian territory that has experienced expansion or the formation of new territories through the New Autonomous Region (DOB) policy from the Central Government is the division in the Papua region. Of course, the government’s policy to expand the Cenderawasih Earth is based on not without reason.

The reason is, so far the region in Papua itself continues to experience difficulties, mainly in bureaucratic matters. One of the main factors in this difficulty is the long distance to be able to manage the bureaucracy. Therefore, the Government of the Republic of Indonesia in the era of President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) continues to strive for equitable distribution of development in all corners of the archipelago including in Papua and is also determined to change the paradigm of development that was previously Java-centric to become Indonesia-centric, so that development is intensified not only on one area only, but can be done evenly.

With the expansion of the region through the Papua New Guinea policy, the obstacles regarding bureaucracy that have been experienced by the people of Cenderawasih Earth can be shortened, accelerated and also made easier.

Then in order to carry out the development of the Papua New Guinea so that it can be carried out more optimally, of course it is also very necessary to get support from various other parties, such as the joint personnel security apparatus consisting of Indonesian National Armed Forces (TNI), Indonesian National Police (Polri) and the State Intelligence Agency (BIN).

Regarding efforts to support these security forces, the Head of the Papua Regional Police (Kapolda), Inspector General of Police (Irjen Pol) Mathius D Fahiri explained that his party, assisted by the National Police Headquarters (Mabes) continues to carry out readiness for the construction of as many as 3 (three ) Polda which is intended to be able to fill in and further improve security in the newly expanded autonomous region (DOB) of Papua.

Parties from the National Police Headquarters themselves have even sent their teams several times to go directly to Bumi Cenderawasih in preparing for the formation of the Polda. So far, preparations for the formation of a new Polda are continuing in the Central Papua Regional Police, Highlands Papua Police and also the South Papua Regional Police.

Furthermore, actually the Papuan Police themselves are quite experienced in filling several security posts in each region, because previously police personnel at the Papuan Police were also involved in giving birth to the West Papuan Police.

The commitment to be able to fill and secure the Papua New Autonomous Region more optimally, is even accompanied by the opening of personnel recruitment from the National Police to fill the needs of officers in the new autonomous region of Bumi Cenderawasih.

National Police Chief Gen. Listyo Sigit Prabowo emphasized that the recruitment of personnel was aimed at increasing the number of personnel in order to be able to protect, protect and also provide excellent and best quality public services for all the people there.

The real work of all security apparatus personnel consisting of the joint forces of the Police, TNI and BIN in continuing to guard and fill in and guarantee security in all areas of the Papua New Guinea continues to be carried out. Preparations for all personnel are also being carried out, even to the point of carrying out new recruitment for the benefit of the community.

)* The author is a Papuan student living in Yogyakarta

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