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The community urges Rocky Gerung to be processed by law


The community urged the controversial figure Rocky Gerung to be prosecuted because he had caused a commotion. This was triggered by his hate speech which was considered insulting to President Jokowi.

Lately there has been an uproar in society and even penetrated into the digital space (social media). This is related to the allegations of insulting the Head of State committed by Rocky Gerung in the public sphere in his statement. The incident resulted in another group of community members making a report to the Indonesian National Police (Polri).

Responding to the commotion, the Jokowi Volunteer Group actually admitted that they could and would forgive what Rocky Gerung had done, but with 2 (two) conditions that had to be met.

The first requirement that the philosopher must fulfill is that Rocky must be willing to retract his own statement which he has already made public and contains a digital track record. Not only that, the former University of Indonesia (UI) lecturer also had to be willing to state that he was guilty of insulting President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) by using several sentences that were completely inappropriate to say.

Furthermore, for the second requirement that Rocky Gerung has to fulfill as a demand from Jokowi Support Volunteers is that he must be willing to apologize to all the Indonesian people because his actions have created a lot of commotion and also chaos, even to the point where several demonstrations took place in various regions. .

In addition, of course, Rocky’s attempt to apologize to all the people in the country is a form of accountability for hurting the people’s heart with his insulting the nation’s leader chosen by the people and to this day still governing officially and legally and protected by the constitution.

In fact, some time ago Rocky Gerung had apologized, but according to the Head of Barricade 98, Benny Rhamdani, the apology had nothing to do with the core of the matter, namely that he had insulted the Head of State.

So that the apology that was put forward was considered to be a manipulative and camouflage statement because it did not touch the root of the problem that caused uproar in society. Benny firmly said that the figure of a political observer should not become a loser, but he should have the courage to be honest and apologize for the mistakes he has made.

When Jokowi’s volunteers hoped that Rocky Gerung would apologize honestly and manly, hundreds of people claiming to be United Surabaya Youth held an action in the form of a joint prayer for this philosopher.

Hadrean, as one of the initiators of the action in Surabaya, reminded all parties to always try to find ways to continue to create and maintain understanding and tolerance among fellow citizens.

The youths from the City of Heroes also reminded all elements of society in Indonesia that it is very important to always be able to speak with respect and still be able to appreciate even though there are differences of opinion between citizens because the country itself really upholds the principles of democracy.

For them, if for example there is a political difference or difference of opinion, then it would be much better to be resolved by means of dialogue alone, and the dialogue is also carried out by upholding the noble values ​​of the nation to be able to avoid the possibility of impolite remarks or acts humiliation, which has the potential to divide the integrity of the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia (NKRI).

Moreover, if for example Rocky Gerung has indeed committed an act in the form of insulting President Joko Widodo and it has also been concretely proven that he committed an act that violated the law, then this is indeed a problem that must be able to be handled quickly by the authorities, namely the police in accordance with with applicable laws and regulations. Rocky’s words have caused a lot of commotion and commotion in the community and even led to various demonstrations in various areas. Therefore, Jokowi’s volunteers demanded that Rocky Gerung would honestly and courageously apologize to all Indonesian people and follow the entire legal process that had taken place as a good citizen.

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