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Government Improves Human Resources Quality in Rempang Community Through Scholarships and Training


Rempang Island, one part of the Riau Archipelago, has become the center of attention of the central government, especially the Batam Concession Agency (BP Batam). An initiative that deserves a thumbs up, BP Batam has started a series of training for Rempang Island residents who are currently living in temporary housing.

The aim of this initiative is to improve the quality of the Human Resources (HR) of the people of Rempang Island, provide them with new skills, and stimulate productivity even though they are in a transitional situation that may be less productive.

In an interview with Sudirman Saad, Member of BP Batam’s Area Management and Investment Division, he revealed that the training was held to provide residents of Rempang Island with skills that could improve their competence.

Saad also stated that residents who move into temporary housing will not only be relocated, but will also be given training in various skills. These trainings include sewing and cooking training, which will later be used in the UKM Center which will be established around the temporary shelter location.

Not only that, BP Batam also offers various options for residents of Rempang Island. For children, they can be accepted at the nearest state school, while those who have completed high school or vocational school education will be given training to enter the world of work.

For those who want to continue their education at university, BP Batam has collaborated with Raja Ali Haji Maritime University (UMRAH) and is trying to provide scholarships for them. Apart from that, the relocated fathers will also be involved in developing an integrated area for the people of Rempang Island.

This approach by the central government through BP Batam is a concrete effort to improve the quality of human resources on Rempang Island. Apart from that, this is also part of BP Batam’s commitment to building infrastructure in the Batam area as a whole.

In its plans for next year, BP Batam plans to build a flyover and widen the road, which will require a lot of manpower. This is the government’s commitment to empower the residents of Rempang Island during their relocation period.

However, this effort does not only stop on Rempang Island. In the eastern tip of Indonesia, namely Papua, the central government is also taking similar steps to improve the quality of community human resources.

This requirement is in line with the vision of Advanced Indonesia launched by the government. Papua is an integral part of this country, and improving the quality of human resources in this region is a top priority in national human resource development.

Through education and training programs, as stated by the Deputy for Coordination of Quality Improvement for Children, Women and Youth of the Coordinating Ministry for Human Development and Culture, Femmy Eka Kartika Putri, Papuan youth are encouraged to improve their skills.

The special autonomy (otsus) fund has changed the mindset of the Papuan people, inspiring Papuan youth to pursue educational scholarships. This success proves their enthusiasm for learning and contributing to Papua’s development.

When we talk about Papua, we cannot ignore its abundant natural resource potential. However, this abundance of natural resources can only be fully utilized if managed by competent human resources.

Therefore, it is important to continue to pay attention to improving the quality of human resources in this region, remembering that quality human resources are the key to managing and utilizing Papua’s natural resources wisely.

As a concrete step, the PUPR Ministry has built the Papua Creative Development Center or Youth Creative Hub in Jayapura, Papua Province. The aim is to create a center for developing talent and creativity for the young generation of Papua. This will strengthen the innovation ecosystem in this region and provide Papuan youth with the opportunity to develop and contribute to the development of their region.

Improving the quality of human resources is also the focus of Vice President KH Ma’ruf Amin. While visiting students from the Nemangkawi Mining Institute, he encouraged vocational training programs to increase the competency and productivity of the productive age population in Papua.

This effort is part of the strategy adopted by the government to advance development in Papua. Education provided by the government does not only rely on knowledge transfer, but also focuses on overall human resource development. The knowledge provided goes beyond theoretical aspects, emphasizing practical application in the real world.

It aims to provide Papuan youth with a deep understanding of their region and the ability to identify their needs and find solutions to meet them.

With sincere efforts to improve the quality of human resources, especially on Rempang Island and Papua, Indonesia is showing its commitment to achieving its goal of becoming a developed country. Quality human resources are the foundation of economic, political progress and social welfare.

Indonesia’s better future depends on a young generation who is intelligent, skilled and committed to developing this country.

Therefore, it is important for all parties to support the government’s efforts and work together in realizing every program aimed at improving the quality of human resources, both on Rempang Island, Papua and throughout Indonesia.

By contributing together, we can ensure that Indonesia continues to progress towards a brighter and more sustainable future.

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