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Cross-Sector Synergy is Important to Guard the Acceleration of Development in Papua 2024


All parties must realize that synergy between sectors is very important to be able to jointly oversee the implementation of accelerated development in Papua in 2024.

Acting Governor of Mountainous Papua, Velix Vernando Wanggai, said that in 2024 a budget had been prepared to design and manage the latest national policy in the context of Mountainous Papua. Everything will start soon next year.

The existence of this is also in accordance with the policy direction formulated by the President of the Republic of Indonesia (RI), Joko Widodo (Jokowi), that there must be a spirit that continues to burn, accompanied by paradigms, new ways of working in managing development on Cenderawasih Earth to This is a leap forward in development, especially in the Papua Mountains region itself.

This also includes how to approach and what must be done for the development of the Land of Papua, so that it is not only based on working in accordance with authority, but also requires various kinds of leaps to be made and work that is not as usual, but it is important to have breakthroughs and innovation.

From the direct meeting with the President of the Republic of Indonesia, it is also hoped that in the future all Regional Heads in every region in Bumi Cenderawasih will be able to ensure the alignment of regional government (Pemda) work plans with the targets of the Government Work Plan or RKP in 2024.

First, the thing that must continue to be monitored is the management of transfer funds to regions or TKD and APBD 2024 to improve public services so that they can become even more optimal, then also used to improve regional development performance, especially in the fields of education, health and public works.

Then the second thing which is no less important is improving administrative policies and harmonizing APBD policies with APBN fiscal policies with the central government. This harmonization must be carried out so that development in the country, especially in Papua, can move in harmony.

Furthermore, the Indonesian government also continues to encourage creative financing as an alternative to accelerate regional infrastructure development. Apart from that, there was also discussion regarding the implementation of monitoring and encouraging synergy in the implementation of village funds in the context of achieving national priorities to eliminate extreme poverty, then reduce stunting rates and control rising inflation rates.

Therefore, it is very important to have an active role from all parties, including the local regional heads in eight regencies in Papua’s mountains, as well as other relevant ministries or institutions or agencies so that they can jointly build a ‘new honor’ in the easternmost province of Indonesia. This is so that the good impacts and benefits can be increasingly felt by society at large.

There is a challenge for all stakeholders to be able to carry out designs over the next 20 years so that various sources of Papua’s original regional income (PAD), both in the productive economic sector, can continue to be encouraged in order to further boost local regional income.

What can be encouraged so that PAD in the context of Papua’s development can be realized optimally is improvements in all sectors, including the agricultural sector, logistics services, connectivity, plantations. Then the next step in the design is that community mining, which is permitted by the Mineral and Coal Law, is well designed and organized so that it can provide prosperity for the people of Papua, especially including the Papua Mountains.

At least there is a design in terms of increasing the budget which was previously only two percent of the National DAU amount, then how to increase this to 2.25 percent. Especially for logistics services in Papua’s mountains, so that in the future there needs to be a joint discussion with all existing districts, including ministries and other related institutions, as mentioned, as gold logistics so that it can increase income in 2024.

For this reason, we must continue to strengthen steps to improve the system chain holistically, whether by air, land or river, so that we must continue to work together to create new things for all people in Papua. Likewise, with the existing natural resource potential (SDA), the government must be present as a market or market or bridge to market agricultural products from upstream to downstream.

Meanwhile, the Regent of Yahukimo, Didimus Yahuli, admitted that what had been conceptualized by the Acting Governor of Papua’s Mountains was extraordinary, in the future it remains to be seen how to combine it with the district and be able to realize it in the APBD. According to him, the entire concept initiated is extraordinary, especially as it is very good for the people’s economy which increasingly favors indigenous Papuan people.

The acceleration of Papua’s development in 2024 must continue to be monitored by all parties and various levels of elements, including within the community itself, so that development can be carried out in accordance with and in line with what the community wants and further supports the welfare of the indigenous Papuan people.

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