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Papua’s status as part of Indonesia is final


The integration of Papua into the Republic of Indonesia is a final and binding decision that has been mutually agreed upon in accordance with the status and administration of the Papua region. For Indonesia, Papua is a concrete manifestation of sovereign nationalism in the context of national defense. Therefore, Indonesia has always rejected international efforts to mediate the Papua problem because there are no problems there that cannot be resolved by fellow citizens. In fact, the diversity of nations and cultures in Indonesia will help the development of Papua.

The development of Papua in the context of defense can be described as a means of strengthening relations between nations within a national entity to create civilized living conditions. President Soekarno specifically designed Papua by awakening Indonesian nationalism for the entire Indonesian nation, which proves the diversity of this nation. Thus, Papua’s development is realized not only through efforts to accelerate the achievement of physical targets but also by aligning Papua’s development with the development of other regions in the context of overall national development.

Commander of Kodam XVII/Cenderawasih, Major General TNI Izak Pangemanan emphasized that the Land of Papua is an inseparable part of the Republic of Indonesia. So, if a certain group provokes the community to separate from Indonesia, it is certain that this is just a hoax and will endanger Papua. Separatist groups often carry out provocations by carrying out acts of violence, terror, and even killing civilians, so that the Papuan people will become victims.

The Papuan Separatist Group should immediately stop all plans for violent action in Papua. The reason is, when this is still being done, then of course they will immediately face the laws that apply in this country, especially when the mass action carried out is aimed at fighting the state and will definitely disrupt public order in society and disrupt conduciveness.

Papuan youth leader, Ali Kabiay, is of the view that the integration of Papua into the Republic of Indonesia is a way and a gift from God. Thus, Papua’s position as part of the Republic of Indonesia should be maintained as well as possible by all parties.

According to him, Papuan independence, as desired by the Papuan Separatist Group, is not a guarantee for the welfare of the community. He believes that those who want Papuan independence are not native Papuans (OAP).

So far, he views that the high intensity of President Jokowi’s visit to Papua shows the Indonesian Government’s love for the land of Papua. This love is demonstrated by the Government’s focus on development in the eastern regions of Indonesia, such as the capital region of the archipelago, Sulawesi, Maluku and Papua.

Meanwhile, the anarchist actions of the Separatist group, such as burning down hospitals and markets, are actually hampering development in Papua, both economically and human resource (HR) development. In fact, this action not only hampered development in Papua, but also destroyed development that had been carried out by the Indonesian Government.

In connection with this, his party invites the mass media to report positive things about Papua while at the same time providing understanding to the wider community that the Separatist group is not only hindering progress in Papua, but is also fighting people from Papua who want progress. Regarding the status of Papua, it is final and binding and recognized internationally, so this matter can no longer be debated.

The public is now asked to fully support the government’s commitment to advancing Papua with various infrastructure developments. The central government’s direct intervention in infrastructure development has had a positive impact on reducing bureaucracy and logistics costs in Papua, which are currently very expensive. Because this sector has a domino effect and is able to mobilize natural potential in Papua.

It is known that the acceleration of infrastructure development in Papua is not only due to the inequality that has long plagued people in the region. Infrastructure development in Papua will also be equal to other islands in Indonesia. Equitable development must be seen as a right that Papuans who are part of the Republic of Indonesia must and must receive.

Development is a means of building a construct of mutual trust for the Papuan people as children of the nation. With this approach, we can strengthen and strengthen Papua for Indonesia and Indonesia for Papua. Diversity is a conceptual tool that can be developed to strengthen Indonesian nationalism in Papua. Winning the hearts and minds of the Papuan people is an important strategy in building their trust in the Indonesian government and nation. Providing a sense of mutual trust in diversity is the key to the success of this independent nation.
The Indonesian government continues to be committed to the progress of Papua as part of the Republic of Indonesia. The acceleration of development in Papua has brought significant positive changes to its people. Apart from improving living standards, this development also provides a strong foundation for the future. By continuing to encourage sustainable development, Indonesia can ensure Papua continues to develop as an integral part of this country.

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