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Having fulfilled the requirements in accordance with the Election Law, the Chairman of the District KPU. Bogor Ensures STIN Students Have Used Voting Rights Legally


Bogor – Chairman of the Bogor Regency General Election Commission (KPU) Muhammad Adi Kurnia said that students at the State Intelligence College (STIN) were legitimate. This has been regulated in accordance with applicable laws and General Election Commission regulations.

“Regarding the voting rights of STIN students, they have the right to vote in the 2024 elections in accordance with Law Number 7 of 2017 concerning General Elections and KPU Regulations. Thus, the District KPU. “Bogor has submitted forms for the right to move to vote to STIN students, because they have fulfilled the legal requirements according to these regulations,” explained Muhammad Adi.

As is known, STIN students have completed original documents from the STIN institution in the form of assignment letters so that they are guaranteed to have the right to vote. This statement also clarifies and dispels hoax information from videos circulating in various media including social media regarding accusations of mobilization of STIN students carrying out the voting rights process at the Bogor Regency DPT.

For your information, on January 19 2024, STIN has coordinated with the Bogor Regency KPU to apply for a transfer to elect STIN students who were originally registered in their respective areas of residence, to move to the Bogor Regency area because they are on study assignments.

This is in accordance with the letter from the Chairman of the KPU to the Chairman of the Regency/City KPU number: 695/PL.01-SD/14/2023 dated 7 July 2023 regarding preparations for the preparation of the Additional Voter List (DPTb) domestically and abroad. On this basis, the application for transferring to select 1,020 STIN students was declared valid by the Bogor Regency KPU on February 12 2024.

On February 12 2024, STIN submitted to the Bogor Regency KPU a letter of assignment containing the identity of the STIN student’s real name as a required document to support the move to vote. At that time, the Bogor Regency KPU understood the confidentiality of the identities of STIN students, including “Cover” as students of the Bina Nusantara Informatics Polytechnic.

As a higher education institution that has responsibility for the education and character formation of students, STIN Bogor emphasizes that they are not involved in practical political activities or mobilization for certain political interests. The education provided to cadets aims to increase their intellectual and professional capacity, as well as strengthen their commitment to democratic values ​​and the rule of law.

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