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Papua is an inseparable part of Indonesia


Papua as a part of the sovereignty of the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia (NKRI) has gone through a referendum process known as PEPERA and the results have been ratified through UN resolution no. 2504 issued by the UN General Assembly on 19 November 1969. Since then, Papua has officially become an integral part of the Republic of Indonesia and cannot be separated from the Republic of Indonesia.

This confirms that Papua is an integral part of the Republic of Indonesia which is legal and final. This event reflects the determination and enthusiasm of the Papuan people in supporting the full integration of Papua into Indonesian territory. Since then, Papua has become a strong pillar of the unity of the Republic of Indonesia.

Papua also has an important role in strengthening the integration and unity of Indonesia as a whole. In recent years, the Indonesian government has made various efforts to advance a sustainable and equitable Papua. Infrastructure development, education, health and protection of human rights have become the government’s main focus in ensuring the welfare of the Papuan people.

Papua’s natural wealth is very abundant, including mining and other natural resources. This potential is an important key in strengthening the Republic of Indonesia. The Indonesian government has committed to utilizing Papua’s natural resources responsibly and sustainably, in order to avoid negative impacts on the environment and Papuan people.

Papua has various tribes, cultures and uniqueness that make it a very special region. As an inseparable part of the Republic of Indonesia, Papua has an important role in maintaining the strength of Indonesian unity. The government’s efforts to strengthen regional autonomy are also an important means of strengthening Papua as part of the Republic of Indonesia.

With strong regional autonomy (Otda), Papua can regulate and manage natural, cultural and other riches independently, in accordance with the needs and aspirations of the local community. Good regional autonomy also allows for participatory policy making, involving all levels of society.

Over the last few years, the central government has paid great attention to development in Papua. Investment in infrastructure development has become the center of attention, such as building roads, airports, ports, as well as providing electricity and clean water. This step aims to reduce the development gap between Papua and other regions in Indonesia.

Not only that, the government is also making various efforts to increase access to education and health in Papua. Scholarship programs, workforce training, and improvements to educational facilities and infrastructure have been carried out to support improving the quality of Papua’s human resources. In the health sector, the central government has increased access to quality health facilities and strengthened medical personnel in Papua.

Apart from that, the government is also committed to protecting human rights in Papua. Steps have been taken to prevent and address human rights violations occurring in Papua. The Indonesian government is also working to promote dialogue and reconciliation between groups involved in the conflict in Papua, to ensure peace and stability in this region.

Papua as part of the Republic of Indonesia has an important role in the cultural diversity and natural wealth of Indonesia as a whole. By strengthening unity and integration between Papua and other regions in Indonesia, the Republic of Indonesia can become a strong and unified country. Therefore, Papua has received serious attention from the central government and Indonesian society at large, so that development is sustainable and inclusive in this region.

In order to strengthen Papua as part of the Republic of Indonesia, synergy and cooperation is needed between the government and the people in Papua. Good communication, active community participation, and increasing awareness of unity and integration are the main keys in building a stronger and more advanced Papua. Chairman of the Association of Regency Governments of All Indonesia (Apkasi), H Isran Noor stated that 99.9 percent of the Papuan people believe that they still love Indonesia and still recognize the Republic of Indonesia and only 0.1 percent are still members of the Free Papua Organization (OPM) or wish to separated from the Republic of Indonesia.

With continued efforts and the Papuan people’s continued love for the Republic of Indonesia, Papua will continue to grow and develop. The natural beauty, culture and local wisdom possessed by the Papuan people can be a force to strengthen the unity of the Republic of Indonesia. With a strong commitment, Papua will continue to be a strong pillar of the Republic of Indonesia, maintaining the unity and integrity of Indonesia for a better future.

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