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Grand Harvest in Various Regions Optimally Maintains Food Availability


A number of regions in Indonesia are currently celebrating abundant harvests, which are seen as the result of the government’s efforts to maintain food security. With this bumper harvest, it is hoped that national food availability can continue to be maintained, especially during Ramadan and Eid al-Fitr 1445 H.

Food security is the main focus in development dynamics in a number of regions, especially North Penajam Paser Regency (PPU) and Yogyakarta Special Region (DIY), which are experiencing abundant harvest momentum in 2024. Good news comes from the PPU agricultural sector, where the estimated harvest This year’s rice is predicted to be able to meet rice needs for the next few months.

Data from the PPU Agriculture Service noted that rice harvesting had been carried out in an area of ​​149 hectares, producing 536.4 tonnes of harvested dry grain (GKP) or the equivalent of 321.84 tonnes of rice. Projections for March show a significant increase in rice production, with a predicted harvest area of ​​3,233 hectares and yields of 10,345.6 tons of GKP or the equivalent of 6,207 tons of rice.

Head of the PPU Agriculture Service, Andi Trasodiharto, stated that this achievement was the result of farmers’ hard work supported by regional government policies and programs. This support includes assistance with seeds, fertilizer, agricultural machinery and the construction of agricultural infrastructure such as irrigation networks. Efforts to intensify rice farming were also initiated to increase production and farmer welfare.

DIY is also not behind in projecting a big harvest in April and May 2024. Plt. Head of the DIY Agriculture and Food Security Service, R. Hery Sulistio Hermawan, estimates that milled dry unhulled grain (GKG) production will reach 305,369 tonnes with rice production estimated at 192,993 tonnes. The harvest trend is expected to continue to increase until May 2024.

The government has taken various strategic steps to increase food security, including investment in irrigation infrastructure, fertilizer subsidies, assistance with superior seeds, and technical assistance for farmers. In addition, government programs that encourage crop diversification and the use of modern agricultural technology have also made a major contribution to increasing agricultural productivity.

In facing this challenge, the role of the agricultural sector, especially rice commodities, is recognized as an important key in developing the regional economy. Agricultural development needs to continue to be pursued to maintain food security, provide employment opportunities and improve community welfare. Factors such as soil fertility, use of fertilizers, seeds, farming methods, and climate change are the focus in efforts to increase agricultural production. Through cooperation between the government, farmers and various related parties, it is hoped that positive results can be achieved in increasing rice production and farmer welfare.

Extension and coaching efforts to farmers are also considered important in facing challenges in agriculture. Agricultural extension workers are encouraged to continue to provide guidance to farmers in increasing production and diversifying food crops. This is expected to maintain overall food security. Thus, through collaboration between various parties and continuous efforts, it is hoped that food security can be well maintained, and the welfare of agricultural communities can increase in a sustainable manner.

Special Staff to the President of the Republic of Indonesia for Innovation, Education and Outermost Regions Dr (Cand). Billy Mambrasar said that President Jokowi supports the program for preparing young Indonesian human resources in the agricultural sector, and has given orders to various parties to participate in supporting the preparation of young farmers through this millennial farmer program throughout Indonesia. Together with the Ministry of Agriculture, this program has also succeeded in registering young farmers in various provinces in Indonesia, collaborating with the private sector and state-owned companies to take part in empowering young people in the agricultural sector.

Not only that, policies related to the management of natural resources and the environment are also implemented to maintain the sustainability of agricultural production. Soil and water conservation and pollution control programs are carried out to ensure that agricultural land remains fertile and productive in the long term.

Apart from government efforts to support food production, policies related to prices and distribution also have a significant impact. The government is taking steps to keep food prices affordable for the public, such as subsidies for fertilizer and controlling prices of basic commodities. Apart from that, an efficient distribution system is also needed to ensure that the harvest can be distributed properly to local and national markets.

By continuing to implement progressive and innovative policies, and involving various stakeholders including farmers and agricultural experts, the government can ensure that efforts to maintain food security remain sustainable. The current harvest must be used as momentum to continue to increase efforts to build strong food security, so that Indonesia can remain a productive and food-sovereign agricultural country.

Through synergy between various stakeholders and the implementation of well-planned policies, it is hoped that food security can be well maintained, and bumper harvests can be achieved sustainably in various regions.

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