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The Government is Committed to Keeping the Economy Growing Stably and Inclusively


The economy of a country is the foundation that underlies the lives of its people. When the economy is strong and inclusive, it creates opportunities for all levels of society to develop and contribute. In the Indonesian context, efforts to strengthen the national economy have become the main focus of the government and other stakeholders. One approach that is increasingly gaining appreciation is collaboration in building an inclusive economic spirit.

Collaboration is an important key in realizing an inclusive economy. This can involve various parties, including government, the private sector, non-governmental organizations (NGOs), academics, and civil society. The government has a central role in facilitating this collaboration.

In order to support the achievement of the Golden Indonesia Vision 2045, the Government has launched an economic transformation strategy by establishing a number of development directions ranging from science and technology, innovation and productivity, green economy, digital transformation, domestic and global economic integration, to urban and inclusive economy. . For strong and inclusive growth, Indonesia must be integrated into regional and global supply chains. Therefore, security and stability are important so that the supply chain is not disrupted.

Meanwhile, policy steps supported by adequate regulations can create a solid foundation for various parties involved in strengthening the economy. For example, the government can provide incentives for sustainable and inclusive investment, ensure fair access to economic resources, empower Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs), and create training and development programs to improve workforce skills.

Minister of Tourism and Creative Economy (Menparekraf) Sandiaga Salahuddin Uno together with the Surakarta City Chamber of Commerce and Industry (Kadin), Central Java invited MSME players in Greater Solo to contribute to strengthening the creative economy sector. At the closing of the National Tourism Industry and Creative Economy Supply Chain Partnership (Kenarok) event in Solo, Sandiaga discussed various strategies for the importance of developing digital talent as well as initiatives to increase the competitiveness of the tourism and creative economy sectors in Indonesia, especially the city of Solo.

The Minister of Tourism and Creative Economy said that Indonesia’s tourism performance index (TTDI) rose 10 places, from 32nd to 22nd in the world. This achievement cannot be separated from government programs that prioritize policies to support tourism.

Meanwhile, Chairman of the Surakarta City Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Ferry Septha Indrianto, said that to ensure the quality of MSME products in Solo, Kadin is developing the Surakarta Curation House. It is hoped that the house can become a standard for product quality for fashion, crafts and culinary. He also highlighted various types of local businesses which are an important part of the supply chain, including collaboration between MSMEs and hotels which are expected to be able to increase the competitiveness of local products.

Then, the private sector also plays an important role in this collaboration. Large companies can play a strategic role by integrating corporate social responsibility (CSR) principles into their operations. This could take the form of investing in education and training programs, creating inclusive jobs, or building sustainable and inclusive supply chains involving local SMEs.

NGOs and civil society also have an irreplaceable contribution to inclusive economic collaboration. They can be a voice for the underrepresented in the economic development process, and promote accountability and transparency in business practices and government policies. By mobilizing community support, NGOs can strengthen pressure for positive change and ensure that the interests of the entire community are a top priority.

The role of academics is also important to provide in-depth research and insight into various aspects of an inclusive economy, help design evidence-based policies, and provide education and training to increase community capacity and skills in facing economic challenges.

It is also important to ensure that this collaboration takes place in a transparent and accountable manner. This will ensure that the interests of all parties are considered fairly, and that the results of the collaboration truly create added value for the entire community, not just a handful of parties.

Bank Indonesia (BI) is ready to synergize with the new government to maintain stability and economic growth in Indonesia. Deputy Governor of Bank Indonesia, Juda Agung, said that efforts to maintain economic growth were carried out in order to maintain national credit growth.

According to Juda, if credit develops well, economic growth will increase. However, on the other hand, if bank credit is restrained, economic growth will also decline. Therefore, when the national economy develops well, Bank Indonesia will provide liquidity to channel credit.

By overcoming these challenges and strengthening synergy and collaboration between various stakeholders, Indonesia has the potential to strengthen its economy significantly in the next few years. By prioritizing inclusivity and focusing on sustainable development, we can create a brighter and fairer future for everyone.

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