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Appreciating the Regional Government’s Efforts in Making the 2024 Regional Election Stages a Success


The success of the 2024 regional elections is not only the responsibility of the election organizers. In this case the General Election Commission (KPU), the Election Supervisory Body (Bawaslu) and the Honorary Council for Election Organizers (DKPP), but the regional government (Pemda) also has an important role in ensuring that the implementation stages of the Pilkada run smoothly, fairly and democratically.

The regional government is responsible for providing the necessary infrastructure for the 2024 Pilkada to ensure the accessibility of transportation facilities for voters. In addition, the Regional Government is responsible for ensuring security and order during the implementation stages of the Pilkada. This includes monitoring potential threats, and other interference that could compromise the integrity of the election process. Therefore, the regional government’s efforts in making the regional elections run smoothly and successfully need to be appreciated. As mandated by Law Number 7 of 2017 concerning General Elections. The central government and regional governments have the task of providing assistance and facilities for the smooth implementation of elections as an effort to achieve democratic elections.

Member of the Indonesian KPU, August Mellaz, appreciated the Regional Government’s support in launching the 2024 Pilkada stages. The launch of the 2024 Pilkada stages in a number of regions indicates that the Pilkada budgeting has been realized and is running smoothly through various schemes and terms that have been determined. Apart from budgeting, the Provincial KPU and Regency/City KPU have also formed and inaugurated ad hoc bodies to organize the 2024 Pilkada, namely the District Election Committee (PPK), and the Voting Committee (PPS).

The government and DPR have agreed to hold the 2024 Simultaneous Regional Elections to synchronize the election period and reduce political fragmentation. With simultaneous elections, it is hoped that it can increase the efficiency and effectiveness of holding elections and save the state budget. By bringing all elections together at one time, it is hoped that it can create better political stability and allow the government to focus more on carrying out development programs without being distracted by preparations.

From a budget perspective, holding simultaneous regional elections is also expected to save significant costs. Costs that are usually incurred for several elections in one period can be allocated to other more productive activities, including conservation in terms of logistics, security and regional election organizer operations.

Meanwhile, Head of the Domestic Policy Strategy Agency (BSKDN) of the Ministry of Home Affairs (Kemendagri), Yusharto Huntoyungo invited all parties to work together and synergize to make the 2024 Simultaneous Pilkada run safely and peacefully. Yusharto also hopes that the regional government can provide support for holding the Pilkada on November 27 2024, including support related to security, ensuring budget availability, and providing facilitation for Pilkada organizers. Regional governments have a vital role in holding successful and safe regional elections, so they really appreciate the efforts made by regional governments in preparing all aspects related to the 2024 Simultaneous Regional Elections.

Yusharto also explained a number of preparations made by the Ministry of Home Affairs ahead of the 2024 Simultaneous Regional Elections, including completing the target of recording Electronic Identity Cards (KTP), submitting Aggregate Population Data per District (DAK2), and preparing a List of Potential Election Voters (DP4). He also emphasized that the State Civil Apparatus (ASN) should act neutrally in the 2024 Simultaneous Pilkada. The neutrality of ASN is very important to ensure that the Pilkada runs fairly and democratically.

Apart from that, the Brebes Regional Secretary (Sekda), Ir Djoko Gunawan, said that his party appreciates the chairman and all levels of the Brebes General Election Commission (KPU), who have started the stages of the Pilkada for the Regent and Deputy Regent of Brebes Regency. According to the plan, the simultaneous regional elections will be held on November 27. He hopes that the launching of the Pilkada stages will be a momentum for all parties, both as organizers and as participants in the Pilkada, as well as building consolidation and harmonious coordination in order to realize democratic Pilkada.

Furthermore, Djoko advised the entire community not only to make the Pilkada a success by using their voting rights. But also to maintain unity and security, not to be easily swayed by unclear news or rumors or hoaxes, and not to be easily pitted against one another.

The active participation of the community in maintaining security and order before, during and after the Pilkada is very important. The public can help reduce potential conflicts that may arise during the campaign, voting and vote counting periods, by increasing awareness of the importance of order and security. In addition, through active participation in supervision and monitoring activities, the community can help create a safe environment for all parties involved in the 2024 Pilkada process.

Careful preparation and support from all elements of society can make this election a historical milestone that confirms Indonesia’s commitment to a better and more inclusive democracy.

Simultaneous regional elections not only test the country’s technical and logistical readiness, but also the political and social resilience of the community. With the various efforts and innovations made, it is hoped that the Pilkada implementation process can run smoothly and produce quality leaders. Support from all parties, including the government, election organizing institutions, political parties, and the wider community, is very necessary to realize honest, fair, democratic and dignified regional elections.Pilkada is part of the democratic process, so there needs to be trust in all election organizers, namely the KPU, Bawaslu, DKPP, so that the implementation of Pilkada can be a good political lesson for the next generation of young people. Appreciation also needs to be conveyed to the Regional Government as stakeholders, which has prepared assistance and facilities

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