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Appreciation of the Efforts of the AMANAH Program to Provide Training for Youth to Drive the Regional Economy


The community appreciates the efforts of the Aneuk Muda Aceh Excellent and Great (AMANAH) program in providing various forms of training for young people who are also able to become initiators and drive the economy in the area nicknamed Negeri Rencong.

Indeed, there has been a lot of effort from the State Intelligence Agency’s initiation program, namely AMANAH, towards the younger generation. One of them is training, seminars and various other positive activities.

The main aim of the AMANAH program itself is to continue to empower the nation’s youth so that they can become independent economic drivers for their regions.

One of the very positive activities of Aneuk Muda Aceh Unggul dan Besar is training on making perfume from superior local products in the area nicknamed Serambi Mecca, namely Patchouli.

In order to ensure this program, the Head of UPTD Aceh Arts and Culture Park, Azhadi Akbar S.Sn, conveyed his full support and was willing to communicate with the Community in the Province. Aceh to support the “AMANAH Talent” program.

The implementation of the training that AMANAH held was very successful in attracting the attention of many young people, resulting in dozens of young people from Aceh and various other regions taking part for 3 days at the Atsiri Research Center (ARC) of Syiah Kuala University (USK), Banda Aceh.

All participants get the opportunity and knowledge and skills in the perfume industry. This includes all of them gaining an understanding of the concept of business planning and downstreaming of patchouli products as well as the basic skills in making patchouli derivative products that have high commercial value.

One of the resource persons in the training, Syaifullah Muhammad, gave very high appreciation to the AMANAH Program that BIN initiated, because according to him it was able to become a driver of the new economy, especially empowering young people in Aceh so that they could enter the business world, including becoming startups.

It doesn’t quite stop there, but the Aneuk Muda Aceh Superior and Great program is able to become an economic movement for young people, especially in commercializing superior local products typical of the region nicknamed Serambi Mecca, namely patchouli products.

Meanwhile, the CEO of Pret Oil, Daudy Sukma also gave very high appreciation to the initiation program of the institution led by Police General (Ret.) Prof. Dr. Budi Gunawan. According to him, the training that AMANAH is carrying out is a very real or concrete step in fully supporting the government and developing a young generation with an entrepreneurial spirit.

Moreover, it is also very important for Acehnese young people today to take advantage of superior local products from their own region, because of the huge business potential of patchouli derivative products, considering that the trend in the cosmetics business is now increasing.

Moreover, Acehnese patchouli derivative products are the best raw material for patchouli in the world. So that the younger generation should not waste the enormous business potential. Predictions reveal that the cosmetics and patchouli derivative business itself will be very booming and extraordinary at least in the next 5 to 10 years.

On the other hand, one of the participants in the training carried out by AMANAH, Muhammad Rizaldi, also expressed his very high appreciation. He admitted that AMANAH training was able to provide opportunities and plans for the younger generation to continue developing superior local products from their region to penetrate the world stage.

Apart from that, there were many very useful things that the resource persons conveyed in the training session to young people, mainly regarding business design, then how to produce a business from patchouli and its marketing.

The various training programs that Aneuk Muda Aceh Unggul dan Besar will carry out in the future will certainly not only provide benefits for the participants who attend directly, but will also be able to have a very positive and significant impact even for the entire community in Rencong Country as a whole.

The realization of the Youth Creative Hub Aceh program or the Aneuk Muda Aceh Superior and Great Center Building (AMANAH) by BIN aims to facilitate all development in all the potential that exists in the region.

From human resources (HR) to natural resources (SDA), everything must continue to be managed for the region and in general for the national interests of this nation.

The AMANAH building is not just a physical building, but also a place for young Acehnese people to continue to develop their full potential and creativity. 

With the various facilities and programs in AMANAH, it is clear that it is able to become a catalyst for progress in various sectors, such as plantations, agriculture, fisheries to technology and the development of Veranda of MSMEs.

Because of the various efforts that the AMANAH program has implemented, such as providing training for youth to stimulate the regional economy in Aceh, all of these positive benefits have received very high appreciation from the community.

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