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AMANAH’s various programs provide a multitude of benefits for the community


 By : Ridwan Labib )*

The various Aneuk Muda Aceh Excellent and Great (AMANAH) programs are able to bring a wide variety of benefits, especially to the people in the area nicknamed Negeri Rencong.The reason is that the existence of AMANAH itself is one of the flagship programs of the President of the Republic of Indonesia (RI) Joko Widodo (Jokowi) in order to help improve welfare and equal development in all corners of the archipelago, including Aceh.So of course, because it is the government’s flagship program, it is clear that Aneuk Muda Aceh Excellent and Great is able to bring many benefits to the local community.One of the real benefits of the AMANAH Program that the public can immediately feel is providing the entire young generation of the nation with digital marketing knowledge.This program, initiated by the State Intelligence Agency (BIN), teaches digital marketing and entrepreneurship in Patchouli training at the Atsiri Research Center (ARC) at Syiah Kuala University (USK).The training includes a variety of very valuable material, including a digital marketing class which brings in speakers who are very competent in their fields, namely USK economics lecturers.Iskandarsyah Madjid, as an economics lecturer at Syiah Kuala University, provided very in-depth insight into digital marketing strategies, then also emphasized how important the ability to sell is in the digital era.The existence of digital marketing knowledge is very important, because if there is a product, even though it is good, in fact it will not bring more benefits if there is no good sales skills.Moreover, in this day and age, technology has also become more advanced, so it is certain that entrepreneurs, including those who sell local products, must immediately be able to master how to market from a digital perspective.Thus, if local business actors have adequate knowledge in the digital world, it is not impossible that they will make the products they sell much more efficiently and be able to reach more people to find out about these products.Meanwhile, according to the Acting Regent of Nagan Raya, Aceh Province, Fitriany Farhas, she admitted that she gave full support to the sustainability of the AMANAH Program because of the large potential of the program.Apart from that, what is more, Aneuk Muda Aceh is Excellent and Great, many of its activities continue to target the young generation that will succeed the nation, so this is very important for the area nicknamed Negeri Rancong, considering that it will be able to raise the dignity and status of the region and relieve it of poverty.Youth themselves are also truly an asset to the nation and state, therefore they must have sufficient provision with various kinds of knowledge and skills, so as to make the competencies that young people have in a much more advanced direction.The synergy of all elements, both from the central government, the local regional government (Pemda), the private sector and the surrounding community in supporting AMANAH is also crucial because it helps young people to prepare themselves thoroughly in channeling their innovations so that they are ready to face competition even globally. global level.The full support from all parties in the Aneuk Muda Aceh Excellent and Great Program initiated by the State Intelligence Agency (BIN) is certainly able to produce a generation of young people in the region nicknamed Veranda of Mecca to become quality human resources (HR) so that they are able to become a support for the Aceh economy in the future.Talking about the existence of superior and great Human Resources (HR), currently in Aceh itself there is a shortage, so the government then provides very adequate facilities so that all potential, starting from the fisheries, agriculture and even the IT and local MSME sectors able to develop.In its development, BIN continues to map potential Business Cases (BC). In Aceh Province there are 126 BCs consisting of 12 creative economy sectors in 23 districts/cities. BC in the culinary sector is quite dominant with 28 BC or 22%, followed by handicrafts with around 25 BC or 18%. Of course, it would be a very unfortunate thing if the extraordinary wealth of natural resources (SDA) that Aceh has did not receive optimal support from qualified human resources.Because even though we have abundant natural wealth, if the human resources who manage it are not competent, then there will be no economic improvement whatsoever.The usefulness of the various programs that AMANAH provides can directly have a positive impact on society, making even thousands of Acehnese students very enthusiastic about participating in activities there.This was seen when Aneuk Muda Aceh Superior and Great carried out socialization of its program to the local young generation which took place at Dayah (Islamic boarding school), Dayah Babussalam Al Aziziyah Jeunib, Jeunib District, Bireuen Regency, Aceh.One of the influencers, Syakir Daulat, believes that the existence of AMANAH is able to bring local young people to the national and even international stage, because all their talents and interests are well accommodated and accommodated.The AMANAH program continues to bring many benefits, especially for the people of Aceh so that they can experience increased potential and progress and can even become an independent society with a more advanced economy.)* The author is a student at Abulyatama University

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