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Joint Forces Hunt for OPM Members Who Perpetrated Shooting in Papua


Papua – Joint TNI-Polri officers have increased law enforcement operations in Papua and are hunting down perpetrators following a shooting incident against civilians by the Free Papua Movement (OPM). Currently, joint security officers are hunting down the Free Papua Movement (OPM) led by Teranus Enumbi. The OPM group in the Puncak Jaya region has shot residents in the Kuburan 7 Pagaleme District, Puncak Jaya Regency, Central Papua Province.

Kapendam XVII/Cenderawasih, Colonel Inf Candra Kurniawan said that the brutal actions of the gang known as the Armed Criminal Group (KKB) resulted in the death of a resident with the initials J (51).

“The OPM gang who carried out the shooting, who are criminals against humanity and human rights violators, are currently being pursued by security forces,” said Colonel Inf Candra.

In an effort to overcome this problem, security forces have launched a search and arrest operation against OPM members involved in the incident. This operation involved dozens of TNI and Polri personnel equipped with modern equipment and sophisticated intelligence strategies.

Papua Police Chief, Brigadier General Patrige Renwarin said that firm action would be taken to arrest the perpetrators and prevent a recurrence of similar acts of violence.

“We are committed to protecting the community and maintaining security in Papua. Every perpetrator of a crime will be prosecuted in accordance with applicable law,” he said.

Previously, the Head of Public Relations of the Papua Police, Senior Commissioner Ignatius Benny Ady Prabowo, said that his party received a report from the local community that a shooting had occurred in the Pagaleme District.

After receiving the report, his party immediately deployed personnel to process the crime scene and examine witnesses to identify the perpetrator and the motive for the violence using firearms that caused the victim’s death.

“Previously, the victim’s nephew named Noval (17) came to report to the Puncak Jaya Police Headquarters that there had been a shooting of a civilian by an unknown person in a kiosk in the 7th Cemetery Complex, Pagaleme Village,” said Ignatius Benny.

Benny appealed to the public to remain vigilant and provide information regarding the whereabouts of OPM members to the authorities.

“With synergy between the community and the authorities, it is hoped that the situation in Papua can recover soon and create a safe environment for all,” he concluded.

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