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Reunion 212 Did Not Get Public Sympathy
By: Alfisyah Kumalasari) *
The 212 grand reunion on 2 December is still reaping rejection. This shows that Reunion 212 did not receive public appreciation. Reunion 212 seems so steep.!-->!-->!-->…
Supports the dissolution of the Anti Pancasila Mass Organization
By: Raditya Rahman) *
The process of extending the Registered Certificate (SKT) of the Islamic Defenders Front (FPI) still faces a steep road. This was in line with the discovery of the!-->!-->!-->…
Be Wary of the Spread of Radicalism in the Community
By: Raditya Rahman) *
Radical understanding is still a real threat that needs to be watched out for. The government and the community must not be careless in responding radaikalism!-->!-->!-->…
Preventing Radicalization among the Community
By: Prita Puspitasari) *
The development of radical ideology is still a big threat for Indonesia. This understanding is considered dangerous because it can cause disharmony between!-->!-->!-->…
Preventing ASN Exposed to Radicalism
By: Yudha Eko Wibowo) *
The rise of the spread of radical understanding is very absorbing attention. Both the government to the community. Because his presentation has reached various!-->!-->!-->…
Being Aware of Social Media Can be an Incubator For Radicalism
By: Dodik Prasetyo) *
Social media is a new means of interaction that cannot be separated from the life of society. However, the threat of spreading radicalism lurks in social media users!-->…
Terrorism Is a Common Enemy
By: Ahmad Pahlevi) *
The fight against terrorism is an endless job. This ideology continues to emerge and develop from time to time. The role of all parties is needed, considering that!-->!-->!-->…
Synergy for Silencing Terrorism
Ismail )*
terrorism is now not only the responsibility of the government, but all
elements in the territory of the Republic of Indonesia. Given this action was!-->!-->!-->…
Supports the Government’s Deradicalization Program
By: Muhammad Zaki) *
The bomb terror incident at Medan Mapolrestabes on Wednesday (11/13/2019) showed the real threat of radicalism. The community also supports early prevention programs!-->!-->!-->…
Be Wary of the Spread of Radicalism on Social Media
The rapid use of social media has been exploited by terror groups to spread radicalism. Social media is considered effective in spreading the anti-Pancasila ideology because it reaches!-->…